Naruto and One Piece, created by Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichiro Oda, respectively, reign supreme as two of the most popular and influential manga series ever. A fascinating occasion arose when the worlds of the two anime intersected: the creators incorporated trademark elements from each other's series into their respective mangas.
The tribute to One Piece remained subtly hidden within the pages of Naruto. Recently, dedicated fans have successfully unearthed the identity of the Konoha resident responsible for this heartfelt homage. As a result, excitement and discussions have ignited within the fan community, shedding light on the profound connection that exists between these two iconic franchises.
Boruto painted the One Piece logo on the Hokage Rock in Naruto
In the vibrant world of Naruto, there came a moment when Boruto, the son of the titular protagonist, left an unforgettable mark on the famous Hokage Rock. This iconic spot witnessed a remarkable display of love between two beloved series.
As Naruto reached its final chapter and characters grew into adulthood to guide future generations, Boruto's mischievous nature, inherited from his father, emerged. With an artistic rebellion that echoed his father's spirit, Boruto painted the Straw Hats logo on his father's portion of the Hokage Rock. This playful act served as a heartfelt nod from one cherished series to another.
How fans reacted to this discovery on X
This tweet sparked a flurry of interactions among fans, sparking a lively conversation about the connection between the two series.
As the tweet started to gain traction, fans on X wasted no time sharing their reactions. User @YoungwiMn responded to the initial tweet with a burst of laughter, exclaiming, "LMFAOOO THEY CAUGHT LUFFY IMITATING A STATUE OF HIS IDOL BORUTO." This humorous comment perfectly captured the surprise and amusement that fans experienced upon discovering Boruto's fanboy admiration for Luffy and One Piece.
The post received an overwhelming response, demonstrating the immense interest and passion that fans have for their beloved series. A spirited debate ensued among fans, with some asserting that Boruto holds Luffy in high esteem while others argued the opposite. Supporters of Boruto's admiration pointed to a poignant gesture on Hokage Rock as evidence to support their claim.
Some argued that Luffy might admire Boruto, viewing him as a symbol of the previous generation's heroism and a potential role model due to their shared carefree nature. The discussion revolved around who truly inspires in this dynamic relationship.
Tribute between Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichiro Oda
The bond shared between the two extends well beyond their manga pages. The creators, Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichiro Oda, have forged a deep friendship built on mutual respect. In 2014, when Naruto reached its conclusion, Oda honored Kishimoto's remarkable work in an extraordinary manner.
Within the opening pages of One Piece's 776th chapter, Naruto and Luffy were depicted dining together, symbolizing their connection. Accompanying this heartwarming scene was a caption that expressed gratitude: "Thanks for the great run, Naruto!" This beautiful gesture not only celebrated the immense success of Naruto but also served as Oda's way of acknowledging Kishimoto's invaluable contributions to the realm of manga.
As a way of reciprocation, Kishimoto paid tribute to One Piece in the final panel of Naruto by subtly incorporating a shout-out. This concluding scene showcased Boruto's artwork on Hokage Rock, prominently featuring the Straw Hats jolly roger. By reserving this homage for the closing moments of the series, Kishimoto conveyed his deep respect and admiration for Oda's influential work within the manga industry.
Final Thoughts
The revelation of Boruto's One Piece homage at Hokage Rock has united fans of the two anime in joyful celebration. This event beautifully highlights the enduring camaraderie shared between the creators, Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichiro Oda.
These subtle gestures serve as a testament to the profound influence each series has had on one another, etching a lasting impact on the expansive world of manga and anime. The lasting impact of both series lies in their profound connections and hidden surprises, revealing the remarkable ability of storytelling to forge meaningful bonds between creators and fans.