Rock Lee's ankle weights in Naruto have been the center of attraction for many fans. It is something that Rock Lee used in the anime to enhance his taijutsu training even further.
However, even to this day, fans have always wondered how heavy each of the ankle weights was in the anime. Depending on their weight, it would be much easier to draw a parallel on how gruesome Rock Lee's training was in Naruto.
Unfortunately, there is no direct answer to this, as neither the manga nor the anime ever made it clear. Thankfully, a few members of the community have come up with some calculations that will provide a reliable answer.
Rock Lee's ankle weights in Naruto were heavier than 1000 kilogram

The question regarding Rock Lee's ankle weights has been a major topic of discussion within the Naruto community. Several fans have debated regarding the same as it was the defining point of Rock Lee's super-hard training regime.
From the initial look, the weights looked very heavy as the surface cracked when Rock dropped them on the ground. However, as mentioned previously, the author never gave a definitive answer regarding the exact weight.
Fortunately, a Reddit user named TibsChris did a small calculation on how heavy the ankle weights might be. The height from which Rock Lee dropped the weights is around 16 meters in the anime.
Rock Lee's weight is assumed to be around 70 kilograms, which is the average weight of a human being. When both of these were combined with some minor calculations, it was found that Rock Lee's ankle weights were around 4600 kilograms.
There are a lot of assumptions involved, but one thing is for sure: each ankle weight weighed at least 1000 kilograms or more. Therefore, it is safe to say that both of Rock Lee's ankle weights in Naruto were extremely heavy.
In fact, an average small vehicle weighs around 2600 pounds, which is approximately 1000 kilograms. Considering Lee had one ankle weight on each leg, one could say that he used to carry two small vehicles with him at all times.
This is not just impressive but mind-blowing because putting in so much weight and walking around like it's nothing takes effort. Apart from that, it also shows the immense strength that Rock Lee had even when he was not even a Chunin.
The impressiveness of this feat does not end here, as it is also an example of the difficulty level of his taijutsu training. The concept of putting weights on was something that both Might Guy and Rock Lee decided upon.
Might Guy wanted Rock Lee to become a mighty Taijutsu user, and this is the level of training that the latter had to go through. While the anime never showcased Rock Lee's training directly, the level is implied quite exclusively through this one small detail, the ankle weights.