The 20th anniversary of Kishimoto's anime continues to shower fans with incredible gifts, such as the recently released Naruto reanimation. The video, which was released earlier today, is a montage of the series' best moments, each drawn in a stunning visual style never before seen in the franchise.
Moments after the Naruto reanimation video was released, fans on Twitter began losing their minds, praising the animators and everyone involved due to how amazing the video is. The video moved them to tears as it brought back memories of the series. Keep reading to learn more about the Naruto reanimation video and how fans reacted.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Naruto anime series.
Fans on Twitter are crying over Jiraiya’s death scene in the new Naruto reanimation
The Naruto reanimation video is a ten-minute-long compilation of the most iconic moments of the franchise. From Naruto graduating to his final battle against Sasuke, every one of the fan-favorite scenes in the series can be found in this celebratory video.
The video is divided into various parts, each accompanied by one of the opening themes for the series. Every scene found in the Naruto reanimation was made from scratch specifically for the video release. The art style is similar to the one found in the original series, however, it looks exponentially more crisp.
Fans can find this video on Studio Pierrot’s official YouTube channel, or by following the link found on the official website created for the 20th-anniversary celebration. We are getting closer to October 10, which is Naruto’s birthday in the series. The Naruto reanimation could soon be accompanied by other exciting news and projects Kishimoto has worked on for fans.
Fans on Twitter are reminiscing the Naruto days
Moments after the Naruto reanimation was released, fans on Twitter began posting their feelings while watching it. Many were filled with nostalgia, remembering the times when they started watching what would become one of the most acclaimed anime series in existence.
Other fans were almost moved to tears by seeing their favorite moments, as well as the most tragic ones, being remade to fit today’s art style. Still, each and every one of these fans are praising the animators at Studio Pierrot, as well as the creator, Masashi Kishimoto, for their hard work. The video is stunning, and it is clear that the people behind it put their hearts and souls into it.
Many fans began comparing the new scenes found in the Naruto reanimation video with the original moments from the series. The differences are as clear as day, with the recently released video fixing every mistake fans could find in the original series. The animation quality is outstanding, making precious moments like Jiraiya’s death even more moving to witness.
Fans expressed their appreciation for Kishimoto on social media. Through tweets, fans shared how important this series is to them or how it has helped them change their lives. Most of them are accompanied by a thank you message to the people at Studio Pierrot and Masashi Kishimoto for delivering such an iconic series.
The Naruto reanimation video also reignited hopes for a remake to be announced soon. Fans want to see the best moments of the anime come back to their screens without having to deal with the huge amount of filler the original anime is known for. The community is clamoring for a series similar to Dragon Ball Kai, which only contains the most important details of an arc.
Finally, many fans took the opportunity to marvel at how much better their favorite characters look in this new video. Sasuke, Itachi, and Sakura are amongst the most popular characters on Twitter.
Final thoughts
The new Naruto reanimation helped fans remember how important this series has been for them. Throughout the years, Naruto and his friends have been a source of comfort for many individuals around the world that felt as if they did not belong. Seeing one of anime’s biggest underdogs become the hero of his universe has inspired countless people in the last 20 years.
This new video will serve as a constant reminder to fans of how much we love and appreciate the Uzumaki ninja and his friends. And we can only hope that new generations of anime fans will look at this video and feel the same kind of excitement we did when we first watched Naruto.