Naruto, the main protagonist of the immensely popular Japanese manga and anime series of the same name, has long been hailed as a tremendously inspirational figure in the world of anime. This captivating series documents his transformative journey from an ostracized individual to a brave ninja who fearlessly guarded his village and cherished companions.
The spinoff series, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, follows the adventures of his son Boruto. In this series, Naruto assumes the role of a flawed father, committing various significant errors. As the Hokage duties consume his attention with official work, he allocates little time to connect with his family. This article will explore how neglecting his family may be his biggest mistake and could lead to his downfall.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Boruto manga. Any opinions therein reflect the author's views.
Naruto's neglect towards Boruto and his family
Naruto's perceived neglect of his son, Boruto, has the potential to jeopardize his revered status as both a beloved character and the esteemed Hokage. Despite being fully aware of Boruto's struggles, he appears to allocate more attention and engagement towards Kawaki, fostering an evident favoritism that casts a shadow over his parenting efforts.
The responsibilities of being Hokage, which are demanding, should not be used as an excuse to neglect his duties as a father. Naruto, who possesses exceptional skills in utilizing Shadow Clones, can effectively manage both his role as the village leader and his family commitments. This ensures that he gives adequate attention to both aspects without compromising either.
Unfortunately, his failure to address Boruto's emotional needs and prioritize tending to Kawaki's past traumas has created a growing divide between the father and the son. This unequal treatment may foster resentment and isolation in Boruto, hindering the development of a genuine, nurturing bond.
From his own challenging childhood as an orphan and outcast, he should understand the vital importance of having a functional and supportive family environment. However, he sadly fails to acknowledge his mistakes.
The consequences of his favoritism towards Kawaki extends beyond just his family relationships. This behavior has the potential to tarnish his esteemed reputation as the strongest and most capable Hokage in the history of the ninja world.
Should he persist on this path, it may give rise to skepticism and doubt about his leadership abilities, thus dampening the unwavering admiration and respect bestowed upon him by the villagers.
Furthermore, his inability to shield Boruto from Kawaki's malicious actions serves as a prime example of how his perceived neglect may lead to vulnerabilities and setbacks even within the village he oversees as Hokage.
Final thoughts
The way Naruto neglects his son and shows favoritism towards Kawaki could have negative consequences for his reputation as both a beloved character and the revered Hokage. While being Hokage comes with demanding responsibilities, they should not overshadow his duty as a father.
Naruto must recognize and address Boruto's emotional needs to bridge the growing gap between them and build an authentic bond. By finding a better balance between his roles and demonstrating equal care for his family, he can maintain his esteemed status as a compassionate leader while upholding the core values that make him a cherished hero in the eyes of fans and villagers alike.
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