Among the extensive cast of the popular Naruto series, Shikamaru Nara has been a longtime favorite among fans. Despite being a genius and an extremely skilled tactician, Shikamaru lacked some serious motivation in life. However, he never once hesitated to step out of his comfort zone when it came to helping out his friends.
Throughout the series, he has established himself as one of Konoha's strongest and most reliable people. While he didn't exactly create a good first impression among fans in his initial appearance, he eventually became one of the best characters. But what led to the surge in his popularity among fans?
Explaining the reason behind Shikamaru Nara's popularity in the Naruto series
Shikamaru Nara was one of the earliest characters to be introduced in the Naruto series. He was a member of Team 10 alongside Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi under the guidance and leadership of Asuma Sarutobi. Despite his inherently lazy nature, Shikamaru often goes out of his way to help his friends whenever needed.
Throughout the series, he has proven himself to be the smartest shinobi in Konoha. His high intellect allows him to perceive the battlefield differently, which often leads to him emerging victorious. Additionally, he essentially served as the right-hand man of Kakashi Hatake and Naruto Uzumaki when they became the Hokage of Konoha.
These qualities showcase why Shikamaru's character is so well-received by the fanbase. Not only has he proven himself to be one of the finest shinobi in his village, but he also has the ability to think several steps ahead of his opponent during a confrontation. Furthermore, he has been shown to be far more considerate and genuine than he initially seemed.
His mastery over the Shadow Manipulation jutsu makes him a force to be reckoned with. Perhaps the moment where Shikamaru truly shined as a character was when he defeated Hidan and avenged the death of his mentor, Asuma.
Before dying, Asuma entrusted the responsibility of his child to Shikamaru, which the latter accepted wholeheartedly. He ensured that Asuma's child, Mirai Sarutobi, grew up to be the fine shinobi her father knew she could be. This moment certified Shikamaru as one of the best characters in the series.
Lastly, Shikamaru was also one of the first people to befriend Naruto Uzumaki during their childhood days. Despite noticing that almost the entire village used to avoid the latter, Shikamaru decided he would not do the same and would continue his friendship with him.
He was one of the few people who showed kindness to Naruto at a young age. As such, the friendship between the two continued to grow throughout the years, with Shikamaru continuing to be one of Naruto's closest friends in the current timeline.
Therefore, Shikamaru's popularity in the fandom is not just because of his high intellect or relatable personality but also due to his humanity, which is often displayed during his interactions with the people he cares about. Furthermore, he constantly fights and wins against opponents stronger than him, solely relying on his intellect and creativity.
Final thoughts
After considering all these factors, it's easy to see why Shikamaru is one of the most popular and beloved characters of the Naruto series. Many people can relate to his laid-back and easygoing personality, which is another reason for his popularity in the fanbase.