To say that Tobirama was partially responsible for Danzo’s actions would ring true for most of the Naruto fandom. Those who have been following the actions of the Leader of Root, the covert wing of the Anbu operation of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, are no strangers to his cunning and rather ruthless means to achieving his ends.
Born into the Shimura Clan, Danzo Shimura was among the first few to graduate from the Ninja Academy alongside his rival and Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. Throughout the series, it became evident that just as Naruto regarded the Fourth Hokage as his hero, Danzo appreciated the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. Let us dig deeper to determine how his role model influenced his actions.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's opinion on the subject.
What were some of Danzo’s major actions throughout Naruto?
Danzo played a pivotal role in orchestrating several events within the Naruto universe. While most of his actions were motivated by the notion of the so-called greater good, it would be unwise to state that the methods he chose to achieve his means were nothing short of devious and brutal.
Tobirama appoints Sarutobi as his successor

By appointing Sarutobi as his successor, Sarutobi sparks the seeds of ambition within Danzo, who later commits several heinous deeds to gain a position within the village. This was the pivotal point within the Naruto series wherein Danzo’s descent into his self-proclaimed title of "The Shinobi of Darkness" began.
During the First Shinobi World War, alongside the other members of the Escort Team and Team Tobirama, Danzo found himself cornered by the Kinkaku Squad of the Village Hidden by Clouds. After analyzing the perilous situations from all possible angles, the only solution presented to the team was to sacrifice a fellow team member as a decoy, allowing the others to flee.

Danzo was hesitant, an opportunity which Hiruzen promptly took up, offering himself as a decoy. But Tobirama disagreed with the decision and ultimately sacrificed himself to save the others. Yet, before he does so, he appoints Hiruzen as his successor, the Third Hokage.
Danzo’s attempt to assassinate Sarutobi

It is obvious that Danzo’s attempt to assassinate Hiruzen was born from his desire to obtain the title of Hokage. He even went a step further by assuming his seat in the Hokage’s office, confident that his attempt had succeeded. Thankfully, the event was averted due to the timely warnings provided by Kakashi. It is only due to the forgiving nature of Sarutobi that Danzo lived through the incident.
Tobirama’s distrust of the Uchiha Clan

In Naruto, no love is lost between the Senjus and the Uchihas. While Tobirama did not explicitly dislike the Uchihas, he was cautious in his treatment of the clan. It’s quite obvious that this distrust and paranoia also rubbed off on Danzo. This is evident in the actions he takes to mitigate the Uchiha coup.
Danzo played a key role in turning the villagers against the Uchiha Clan, believing that channeling their hatred would make the village far more stable and unified. However, the series of steps he took can be regarded by many as extreme.
Stealing Shisui’s eye

One of the drastic measures undertaken by Danzo is when he confronts Shisui Uchiha and attempts to steal his Mangekyō Sharingan to harness the ultimate Uchiha genjutsu, Kotoamatsukami.
Despite knowing that Shisui had no intentions of turning his back on the village, just to further his own skillset, he attempts to and succeeds in stealing one of his eyes, which he uses later throughout Naruto (and Naruto: Shippuden) on several occasions to manipulate events or people to his fancies.
Passing on his mantle to Sasuke
While Sasuke eventually succeeds in killing Danzo, in an ironic turn of events, during the Fourth Shinobi World War, Sasuke unknowingly ends up donning his persona as he proclaims his desire to become Hokage to serve the village in its shadows by revolutionizing the shinobi system. It is only after his eventual battle with Naruto that Sasuke gains an understanding of what truly matters.
Final thoughts

It is safe to assume that Tobirama partially set Danzo on the path to becoming the calculating, manipulative, and cold village elder the readers know him to be. Had he not appointed Sarutobi as his successor, the entire series may have looked very different.
While many may defend Danzo’s actions as being for the greater benefit of the village, it goes without saying that Danzo was ruthless in his objectives, seeking to resolve problematic situations through underhanded schemes rather than through diplomatic negotiations.
It is obvious that the ramifications of one decision undertaken by Tobirama had a profound impact on Danzo and, by extension, Kakashi, Shisui, Itachi, Sai, and Yamato’s lives.