On Tuesday, April 23, 2023, Kadokawa announced that author HundredBurger's A Ninja and Assassin Living Together manga would receive an anime adaptation under Shaft production studios. The staff has unveiled a teaser visual for the series on the anime's newly opened website and X account. However, neither the release window nor the anime's format is revealed as of this writing, although comments from the author have arrived.
HundredBurger launched the A Ninja and Assassin Living Together series on Kadokawa's Comic Dengeki DaiohG in August 2023. Three volumes have been released thus far, with the fourth tankobon volume slated to be released on April 26, 2024. Undoubtedly, the prospect of seeing the characters in animated form has intrigued fans.
A Ninja and Assassin Living Together anime is green-lit for production by Shaft Studios
HundredBurger's dark comedy manga series, A Ninja and Assassin Living Together will be made into an anime, according to the series' newly opened website and X (formerly Twitter) account on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. However, the announcement didn't reveal a release date or the adaptation's format.
Nevertheless, the official staff has shared a teaser visual for the series on the website and the X handle. The illustration features a naive female ninja, Satoko, and her friend, Konoha, an assassin.
Satoko appears in her Kunoichi attire, while Konoha wears her high school uniform. The teaser visual also depicts the naive ninja holding a bowl of rice and chopsticks, while the high school assassin, Konoha, has a sharp knife in her hand. As is evident, the visual captures their different personalities and cultures.
Aside from the teaser visual, a commemorative visual drawn by HundredBurger has also been revealed. Once again, the illustration depicts Konoha and Satoko. The latter's joyous nature strikes a beautiful balance with Konoha's inexpressive look.
Congratulatory comments from the author have also arrived on A Ninja and Assassin Living Together anime's site and X handle. According to the comments, Hundredburger is delighted to see his work getting adapted into an anime.
He has thanked everyone who supported the manga from the beginning. Although he was worried about how the manga would be made into an anime, he acknowledged the production studio's immense passion for the project.
He also revealed that everyone involved has been taking the project seriously. As such, the author is hopeful that the final outcome of A Ninja and Assassin Living Together anime will turn out well.
As mentioned earlier, Studio Shaft is producing this dark comedy anime. The official staff for the series have also shared comments from the production team. Shaft studio revealed that they would love to create a fun and bright world for HundredBurger's characters. Additionally, the studio has asked fans to look forward to the project.
Based on HundredBurger's dark comedy manga (Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi), A Ninja and Assassin Living Together anime follows the story of a naive ninja girl, Satoko, and a high school assassin, Konoha.
One day, Konoha discovered Satoko lying on the streets. She learns that people are chasing the Ninja girl from her village. As such, they decide to live together and experience a dangerous yet exciting life.
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