A month following the announcement of the After School Hanako-Kun short anime, the trailer for the same has finally been released. The anime is set to be released on October 12 in Japan and October 10 on Crunchyroll. The anime will be featuring short 10-minute episodes that will be aired for four weeks consecutively.
As previously announced, After School Hanako-Kun is set to be an anime that focuses on Hanako-kun and his friends spending their time away from resolving supernatural incidents at Kamome Academy. Thus, fans can expect the characters to play games, get sick, change genders, and discover world-shaking secrets in the upcoming anime.
After School Hanako-Kun anime announces ending theme song details with new trailer
As released by the anime's official website, After-school Hanako-kun anime is scheduled to be released on October 12, at 3 AM JST in Japan. Meanwhile, the same will receive an early release on Crunchyroll on October 10 at 3 PM JST. It will be made available in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, CIS, and India.
The anime will release 10-minute short episodes for four weeks consecutively.
As for the trailer, it shows Hanako-kun, Nene Yashiro, Kou Minamoto, and Mokke having fun. Therefore, fans can expect to watch a light-hearted slice-of-life anime.
Additionally, the trailer previews the ending theme song of the anime, which is titled "Koi! Koi Koi" (Come to Me, Deep Love). The theme song has been performed by the voice cast members of the anime, i.e., Akari Kitō (Nene Yashiro) Yuri Yoshida, Chitose Morinaga, and Mai Kanazawa (Mokke).
Cast and staff members
After-school Hanako-kun anime is set to see the cast from the original anime return. This means that Megumi Ogata, Shouya Chiba, and Akari Kitou will reprise their roles as Hanako-kun, Kou Minamoto, and Nene Yashiro.
As for the cast, Masaki Kitamura is directing the anime at Lerche and Studio Hibari. He previously worked in Mobile Suit Gundam anime and Classroom of the Elite. Teaming up with him is Kazuma Nagatomo, who is in charge of the series scripts.
Aya Higami, who has previously worked in Danganronpa and High Card, is both the chief animation director and character designer. Meanwhile, Mizuho Shimada and Hiroshi Takaki will be the compositing director of photography and music composer, respectively.
Other staff members include:
- Color Design: Saki Tada
- Editing: Kazuo Kajikawa
- Music Production: Pony Canyon
- Sound Director: Satoki Iida
- Recording Engineer: Tatsuhiro Amano
- Recording Studio: studio tronc
- Sound Production: HALF H·P STUDIO
- Animation Producer: Ryō Nishimura