One Piece episode 1071 finally introduced the world to Luffy's long-awaited Gear 5 transformation. The episode has shattered multiple records and crashed streaming platforms such as Crunchyroll. The hype around the episode is being felt all across the world, with fans tuning in witness Gear 5 in all its glory.
However, some fans are unfortunately ruining their own viewing experience of One Piece episode 1071 by skipping ahead to the episode to be part of the hype.
Fans are missing out on several crucial details and plot points by skipping ahead to the episode where Luffy goes Gear 5.
One Piece fans are ruining their experience of Gear 5 by jumping straight to episode 1071
A trending post on Reddit by u/GamingWithCjay has highlighted one big trap that new One Piece fans are currently falling into. The post mentions that many of the new fans are rushing to see Luffy's Gear 5 transformation and are skipping over a large portion of the series in order to do so.
This problem can be attributed to the hype around Gear 5 and everyone's need to feel included in the bandwagon.
Fans who aren't even close to the timeskip of the series are also skipping to Luffy's Gear 5 reveal without knowing any of the details in between. This amounts to a subpar viewing experience of Gear 5, which is one of the most legendary transformations in the history of anime.

In order to feel like they are part of a historic anime event, new fans who are now at the Arabasta, Water 7, Enies Lobby, Dressrosa, or any of the prior arcs are skipping straight to the Gear 5 episode.
Veteran fans who have waited for Gear 5 both in the anime and manga are urging newer fans not to rush straight to One Piece episode 1071 and instead take their time reaching the episode.
The main argument that veterans are presenting is that without knowing the origin of Luffy's Gear 5 and the true nature of his Devil Fruit, newer fans won't be able to fully grasp the whimsical powers that Luffy exhibits in One Piece episode 1071.
Some have likened what fans are doing with Gear 5 to skipping forward to the end of a mystery novel in order to see who the killer is. This kills all potential for mystery and does not provide the reader with the proper build-up to enjoy the ultimate result.
Fans of One Piece may be missing out on important character development and story elements by skipping ahead to Luffy's Gear 5 and his final battle with Kaido. This could result in a less satisfying experience and diminish the anticipation for Luffy's transformation into the Warrior of Liberation.