On Thursday, August 10, 2023, the Association of Japanese Animators revealed four upcoming anime projects as a part of its “Anime no Tane” training program. The program first began in 2020 and was announced by the Japanese government’s Agency of Cultural Affairs. The inaugural program also featured four original works.
The Anime no Tane initiative is a part of the larger, overarching “Young Animator Training Project,” which is also being helmed by Japan’s Agency of Cultural Affairs. The project’s goal is to train young animators on-the-job, with its original launch coming in 2010 under the “Anime Mirai” name and focusing on fostering domestic animation studios.
This original launch was prompted by more and more of the Japanese animation process being outsourced to international studios rather than staying within the country. The project was later renamed Anime Tamago and has spawned several notable works, with 2024’s Anime no Tane project set to contribute to this legacy.
Anime no Tane young animator training program has big-name studios attached to this year’s series
The latest
2024’s Anime no Tane project is set to debut four original anime projects in the year. More specifically, the projects will be announced in “February or March 2024,” likely meaning that the finished products themselves will be released later in the year rather than earlier. The work is said to aim to raise the skill level of existing animators while also educating aspiring ones.
The project has previously led to the creation of several notable anime projects, such as Little Witch Academia, Ongaku Shojo, and Death Billiards. Death Billiards is likely best known for inspiring the Death Parade television anime series, which is an anthology series focused on a bar that serves as an intermediary between this world and the afterlife.
2024’s projects have various exciting names attached to them, as well as specific training targets for each. For example, Studio Graphinica is involved in the tentatively titled “Pop Pop City” project, which will be directed by Takashi Horiuchi and produced by Kenta Takahashi. Its training targets are pre-visualization production, key animation, and in-between animation.
Studio GOONEYS, meanwhile, is attached to the tentatively titled “S-CAT,” directed by Kazushi Ishihara and produced by Makoto Mizusawa. This project’s training targets young 3DCG animators and production managers. Studios Noovo and Eight Colors collaborate on the tentatively titled “Salteel,” directed by Rio Shimizu and produced by Rei Tsukahara. This project focuses on training assistant producers, animators, and cinematographers.
Finally, Nippon Animation is involved in the yet-again tentatively titled “KICKS and PUNK” project, directed by Jinya Ichimura and produced by Yuri Nakajima. This focuses on training production managers, episode directors, character designers, animation directors, and general animators.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.