The Dragon Raja anime, derived from the renowned novel series, has transcended its literary origins to inspire video game adaptations, notably giving rise to the Dragon Raja MMORPG. While the anime initially debuted, the recent announcement pertains to its Japanese broadcast.
The series, set to be dubbed in Japanese, has disclosed the voice actors for its primary main cast. The voice casting includes Ayumu Murase as Lu Mingze, Kaede Hondo as Chen Motong, and Daiki Yamashita as Lu Mingfei.
Disclaimer: This article contains very minor spoilers for the Dragon Raja anime.
Dragon Raja anime Japanese broadcast to begin in April 2024
Aniplex has set the stage for an exciting new project related to the Dragon Raja (Long Zu) donghua. The official YouTube channel recently posted a link to a live stream, teasing viewers with the intriguing message,
"You have been selected as a recommended student. Please accept your invitation."
Scheduled for January 26 at 6 pm JST / 1 am PST, the live stream is expected to lead to the formal announcement at midnight on January 27 (JST).
The Japanese voice cast for the anime includes Ayumu Murase as Lu Mingze, Kaede Hondo as Chen Motong, and Daiki Yamashita as Lu Mingfei. The Japanese broadcast of the anime is set to commence in April 2024, adding to the anticipation surrounding it. The series is popular for its intriguing storyline of ordinary students thrust into a world where dragons exist, promising earth-shaking changes and a journey of 'slaying the dragon.'
The original version of the Dragon Raja anime debuted on August 19, 2022, with its first season concluding on November 25, 2022, spanning 17 episodes. Tencent Video Animation officially fulfilled the anticipation for the second season on November 25, 2022, though the release date remains undisclosed. A teaser motion picture was unveiled during Tencent Penguin Pictures' animation showcase on August 8, 2023.
Adapted from a Chinese novel by Jiang Nan, the anime follows the story of Lu Mingfei, an ordinary high school student whose life takes a dramatic turn when he receives a scholarship to Cassell College in Chicago. The narrative explores the discovery of dragons and the life-altering consequences that follow.
Final thoughts
The inaugural season of the Dragon Raja anime, derived from Jiang Nan's Chinese novel series, premiered on August 19, 2022, concluding its 17-episode run on November 25, 2022. Initially released on the QQ VIP streaming service, the Chinese production found its way to television screens in its home country. Accessible through Tencent Video Client and platforms like iFlix, the anime's availability varies in regions and subscription requirements.
With the series listed on platforms such as Bilibili, it continues to captivate audiences. Fans follow Lu Mingfei's extraordinary journey in a world where dragons exist, a narrative poised for further exploration in the upcoming second season.