It was announced on Friday, December 16, that beloved characters Ash Ketchum and Pikachu will not be the protagonists of the Pokémon franchise’s next anime series. The report came from IGN, who shared the news via Twitter, along with a picture showing the series’ next protagonist.
With the current Ultimate Journeys: The Series anime set to conclude in a matter of weeks, fans were shocked to learn that Ash will be leaving the Pokémon anime altogether. While this made sense since the young trainer recently finally accomplished his dream of becoming the world’s greatest trainer, it still came as a shock to many.
Long-time fans share how their childhood is seemingly over with Ash leaving Pokémon anime
The latest news and fan reactions
The still-unnamed upcoming Pokémon series will move on to dual protagonists Liko and Roy. It’s worth noting that these are the Japanese version names, which may be localized differently when the new series finally comes overseas. Three Paldea starters will also be featured, including Grass-type Sprigatito, Fire-type Fuecoco, and Water-type Quaxly.
The upcoming series is set to premiere in 2023 following the conclusion of Ultimate Journeys: The Series. As mentioned above, this show saw Ash finally become the Pokémon world champion, completing his journey of becoming the greatest trainer in the world. It is set to soon wrap up in Japan, but will first release a collection of special episodes celebrating Ash and Pikachu’s 25-year journey.
According to official release sources, the upcoming celebratory episodes will “offer a glimpse at what the future may hold” for Ash and Pikachu. However, it also calls this the “final chapter” of the duo. While these messages may seem contradictory, they seemingly suggest that the pair will still be involved in the franchise, but far removed from their previous protagonistic roles.
Long-time franchise fans shared their emotional farewells to the series and Ash and Pikachu upon hearing the sad news. An incredibly common thread between all of those sharing said goodbyes is a reference to having grown up playing the games and watching the series constantly. Many fans are even sharing how they’ve taken to rewatching the series after playing the latest games, Scarlet and Violet.
In contrast, some long-time fans also shared how excited they are to see the series progress. Some even went as far as to call Ash being the protagonist “stale,” citing how having one character being 11 years old for 20+ years can get repetitive, to say the least. In any case, seemingly all fans of either the games or the series are incredibly upset to see Ash leaving the Pokémon anime.
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