The anime adaptation of Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout has revealed the day of its release along with the length of the premier. It has also given us a glimpse into the upcoming series with a promotional video and a key visual.
The first of a trilogy in the Atelier series developed by Gust and Koei Tecmo, the Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout RPG was released in 2019. To note, many staff from the game have returned to work on it.
Atelier Ryza anime will premier on July 1, 2023
The upcoming anime adaptation of Atelier Ryza has revealed a new key visual and PV, along with the premier length, via their official Twitter account @Ryza_PR and the recently formed website dedicated to the anime. According to reports, the anime will be released in Japan on July 1, along with a one-hour special.
The PV also unveiled the theme song for the show "Golden Ray" performed by the musical group Sangatsu no Phantasia. The website has also provided information on the staff working on the anime and the voice cast, who are reprising their roles from the original anime.
Here are the main characters of the show, along with their respective voice actors:
- Reisalin Stout: Yuri Noguchi
- Claudia Barents: Hitomi Owada
- Rent Marslink: Takuma Terashima
- Tao Mongarten: Yui Kondo
- Ampel Volmer: Hiroshi Nojima
- Lyra Desires: Haruka Terui
The anime is produced by the animation studio LIDEN FILMS, under the direction of Ema Yuzuriha with Tomoyuki Shitaya designing the characters. Returning staff from the video game includes Yashichiro Takahashi as the scriptwriter and Kazuki Yanagawa as the music composer.
The official website of the upcoming anime of Atelier Ryza gives a brief introduction of what the video game and the series is all about, with a celebratory remark of the game’s 25th anniversary.
“Lazenboden village on Keuken Island surrounded by lakes. In this village on the outskirts of the Rotesvassa Kingdom, time passes peacefully. The girl who was not able to have energy in such an unstimulating village life was Liza, a girl who is characterized by being ordinary and uncharacteristic", it describes.
“Liza, who was dissatisfied with herself as an "ordinary farmer's daughter" living in a cramped and boring village, one day secretly boarded a small boat with her childhood friends, Lent and Tao, and went to the other side of the island for the first time to go on an adventure. There, she meets a man who uses the mysterious power of 'alchemy.' Fascinated by its power, Ryza begs to be taught alchemy'', it continues.
The Atelier Ryza anime is all set to premiere on Japanese networks like Tokyo MX, Gunma TV, Tochigi TV, BS11, and other channels on 1 July 2023.
Stay tuned for more updates on Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout anime and other popular manga and anime shows like Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Punch Man, and more.