On Tuesday, September 12, Attack on Titan confirmed the release date and time for the Final Season Part 3 Part 2 with a new trailer. As per the trailer, Attack on Titan Final Season The Final Chapters Special 2 is set to be released on November 5, 2023, at 12 AM JST (Stylized as November 4, 2023 at 24.00 JST). That should be 8.30 PM IST/ 8 AM PT/ 11 AM EST if the part is simulcast.
The anime's previous special saw the Survey Corps teaming up with Marleyans as together they headed to stop Eren Yeager. While doing this, they lost their commander Hange. Following that, they arrived to stop Eren. Elsewhere, Annie discovered a piece of key information that could help humanity win the battle against Eren.
Attack on Titan's latest trailer unveils Final Season Final Chapters Special 2 release date
Attack on Titan's latest trailer was only 30 seconds long. In the majority, the trailer rehashed clips that were previously released. However, it did give fans a few new scenes, including the Survey Corps members and the Marleyan Titans - Armored Titan, Female Titan, and Car Titan. Additionally, the trailer also showed Eren making his move as he could be seen using the War Hammer Titan.
That said, the trailer also revealed the most-awaited information. Attack on Titan Final Season Final Chapters Special 2 is set to be released on November 4, 2023, at 24:00. This means that the anime will be released in Japan on November 5, 2023, at 12 AM JST. It will be available to watch in most countries worldwide on November 4.
The anime will be released on NHK in Japan. While the streaming services for the same haven't been officially announced, one can expect Crunchyroll to resume streaming the anime.
How fans reacted to the latest trailer
Fans of the series were really excited to see the trailer for the final special episode. That said, many of them weren't ready to let go of the series. Despite the fact that the Final Season had been divided into different parts, fans did not want it to end and wished that the anime would air for longer. That said, the upcoming anime is set to be the final episode of the anime. With this, the anime will come to an end after an entire decade from its start.
Meanwhile, other fans were much more excited by the imminent return of their favorite characters. Fans showed a lot of love for the Ackermans as both Levi and Mikasa fans expressed their love for their characters through the comments. Additionally, there were several Eren fans who believed that his Founding Titan form was the best to date. Thus, they were excited to see him in the same again.