On Wednesday, April 3, 2024, Attack on Titan's author, Hajime Isayama, and the voice actor of Eren Yeager, Yuki Kaji, revealed that they are collaborating on a one-shot manga. This manga serves as a spin-off to Kaji's Soyogi Fractal project, which celebrates the 20th anniversary of his debut as a voice actor.
Attack on Titan voice actor Yuki Kaji's dream project revolves around a character named Soyogi Soyogi, which features voice synthesis software based on Seiyuu's voice.
On the project's official site, Kaji explains that he wants to create software that allows both amateur and professional creators to invent "interesting" content without any restrictions. Undoubtedly, the spin-off one-shot manga project, with Hajime Isayama collaborating, has fans intrigued.
Attack on Titan's Hajime Isayama and Yuki Kaji's one-shot manga is a spinoff to the Soyogi Fractal project
Attack on Titan's author, Hajime Isayama, and the renowned voice actor, Yuki Kaji, are collaborating on a one-shot manga. According to the reports, the manga will be a spin-off of Kaji's Soyogi Fractal project, which celebrates the 20th anniversary of his voice-acting debut.
Isayama is in charge of drawing the thumbnail storyboard draft of this one-shit manga, while Yuki Kaji is writing the original story. It has been announced that the manga will be released in Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine and Bessatsu Shonen Magazine in the Summer 2024.
Interestingly, the one-shot manga project is running an audition from Wednesday, April 3, 2024, to April 30, 2024, for an artist who will illustrate the project's final art, based on Isayama's storyboards.
The first five pages of Isayama's storyboards have also been posted on the official website, which is now hosting the audition. Admirers of Isayama's art style can relate the one-shot storyboard to his magnum opus art style.
Besides that, the website has posted Hajime Isayama and Yuki Kaji's comments regarding the project. Kaji has urged the artists not to miss out on the opportunity to create a historical project together.
He also revealed how he has been dedicating his life to the Soyogi Fractal project. As such, he reached out to Isayama with the concept and entrusted his "first original work" to him.
Similarly, Hajime Isayama, in his comments, said that it had been about 10 years since he had drawn a manga other than Attack on Titan. Naturally, he realized how difficult it was to draw a manga.
However, he's glad that he will only be storyboarding the project. Therefore, he would draw as many "complicated compositions" as he wanted and leave them to someone else. More details regarding the one-shot manga centered on the Soyogi Fractal are expected to be revealed sooner rather than later.
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