On Friday, November 3, 2023, X (formerly Twitter) user @Phoenix_Pog (Ash) posted a video of Tokyo’s Shibuya ward, which was littered with Attack on Titan promotional material. The series’ presence in the Tokyo neighborhood comes ahead of the globally popular anime’s looming conclusion, set to air on Japanese television this weekend.
The Attack on Titan anime first premiered in 2013 and will conclude after more than a ten-year run of dominance in foreign and domestic Japanese markets alike. The series is also credited with sparking a renaissance in anime interest in the aforementioned foreign markets, specifically Western ones such as the United States of America.
However, this tour de force from the television anime adaptation of author and illustrator Hajime Isayama’s original Attack on Titan manga series comes to an end in just a matter of days. Nevertheless, fans are still incredibly excited to conclude the journey and can’t wait to see exactly how it all ends on Saturday, November 4, 2023, at 24:00 Japanese Standard Time.
Attack on Titan anime finale takes over Shibuya with videos of Levi Ackerman, the Rumbling, and more
The latest
As mentioned above, the video of the Attack on Titan finale’s Shibuya promotion was posted to X by Ash earlier today, Friday, November 3. Several jumbotron screens in the Shibuya area can be seen playing video of scenes from the finale and prior episodes, which include Levi Ackerman flying through the air, the Rumbling’s progression, and more.
Several posters promoting the series can also be seen in the video, as well as jumbotrons, which share static images of release information for the series. One even appears to be showing a countdown but is too far away to make out exactly what’s being displayed. In any case, it’s clear that the premiere of the series’ finale is a momentous event, especially for Japanese anime fans but also for international audiences.
Fan reaction
Social media discussion of the looming Attack on Titan finale further shows this, but is especially highlighted in responses to the aforementioned X post. Fans are sharing how excited they are despite being sad about the journey being over, going as far as to say they’re “emotional” over the series’ coming end.
Others are sharing their opinions on the anime, calling it one of the greatest anime series of all time and arguing that it’s the peak of the medium. This speaks to how dedicated the series’ fans are, as well as how highly they value the story as originally crafted by Isayama. While the manga’s ending was controversial, both anime-only fans and manga readers alike seem to be purely joyful regarding the ending.
This extends beyond replies to the aforementioned X post as well, with social media at large gearing up for the finale in similar ways. Hopefully, MAPPA Studios can deliver and end the anime on a high note later this weekend.
Be sure to keep up with all Attack on Titan finale and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.