Friday, December 20, 2024, saw Crunchyroll announce the official international release dates for the Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film, spanning February and March of 2025. While there are still some notable regions that haven’t had release dates announced, it's possible that these regions and territories will receive release dates later on. However, it seems that a limited availability approach is in effect for at least some screening regions.
The news was announced via a new “Seismograph Teaser” for the film, which reveals the North American theatrical release date for the Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film, specifically. It was also confirmed that the film will stream in both the original Japanese audio with English subtitles and with an English-dubbed version.
Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film premieres internationally from February 6 through March 3, 2025
As mentioned above, the new “Seismograph Teaser” for the Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film specifically reveals the North American theatrical release date. Per the latest available information, the film will only screen in North American theaters for a single day on Monday, February 10, 2025. The other currently announced international release dates for the film include:
- February 6
- Australia, New Zealand
- February 12
- Finland
- February 13
- Spain
- February 20
- Denmark, The Netherlands
- February 21
- Norway, Sweden
- February 25
- Germany
- February 26
- United Kingdom, Ireland
- March 1
- France
- March 3
- Italy
It’s currently unclear if the Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film will be screening for a single day across all international theaters or if this just applies to the North American release date. However, the former seems likely considering that the film’s original release in Japan was intended as a three-week limited engagement. While successful despite this, it nevertheless explains the single-day screening approach in North America and presumably in other regions.
In its first three days in Japanese theaters, the 145-minute-long compilation film earned 249,435,720 yen (roughly US$1.59 million) in its first three days across 175 thousand tickets. The film was screened with 5.1ch surround sound and is a “brushed-up” version of the final season’s final two parts. Linked Horizon’s Nisen-nen... Moshiku wa.... Niman-nen ato no Kimi e (To You in 2,000... or... 20,000 Years From Now) returns as the film’s main theme song.
The film serves as the final installment to the larger television anime adaptation endeavor of author and illustrator Hajime Isayama’s original Attack on Titan manga series. The series first launched in Kdoansha’s Bessatsu Shonen Magazine in September 2009, where it ran until its end in April 2021. The manga’s 139 chapters were collected into 34 compilation volumes, all of which are officially translated to and available in English as of this article’s writing.
Related links
- Crunchyroll to release Attack on Titan compilation film in theatres in 2025
- Attack on Titan finale compilation film reveals full trailer and more
- Attack on Titan - The Last Attack movie announces original post credit scene