Monday, January 13, 2025 saw Crucnhyroll begin streaming a new English-subtitled trailer for the upcoming international release of the Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film. The film will begin screening internationally in February 2025, with currently announced regional release dates running into early March as of this article’s writing.
Likewise, while the release dates for the Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film were already announced, the trailer is the first English-subtitled one for the project yet. While the trailer doesn’t show any new footage, English-speaking fans can at least now understand the dialogue in the film’s trailer thanks to this English-subtitled version.
Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film streams English trailer ahead of film’s international screenings
As mentioned above, the new trailer for the Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film doesn’t show any new footage. It is instead an English-subtitled version of the film’s main trailer, which at least lets fans understand the dialogue of the trailer. Unsurprisingly, much of it focuses on each character’s personal reflection on the situation they find themselves in as the Rumbling unfolds. Hange Zoe, Armin Arlert, Levi Ackerman, and Mikasa Ackerman get particularly heavy focus here.
The trailer does also reconfirm the international screening dates for the film, which kick off with screenings in Australia and New Zealand on February 6, 2025. This will be followed by a one-day-only screening in North American theaters on February 10. The film then hits Finland and Spain on February 12 and 13, respectively, before screening in Denmark and the Netherlands both on February 20.
February 21 will see the Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film begin screening in Norway and Sweden, followed by a release in Germany on February 25. The film will start screening in the United Kingdom and Ireland on the following day, with the film then screening in France on March 1, and finally Italy on March 3. While Italy is the final international release date announced as of this article’s writing, it’s possible that more regions are added later on.
The compilation film originally opened in Japanese theaters for a three-week limited run starting on November 8, 2024. It sold 175 thousand tickets for 249,45,720 yen (roughly US$1.59 million) in its first three days in theaters. The film is 145 minutes long, and serves as a “brushed-up” edition of the two final parts of the anime’s final season.
The Attack on Titan anime franchise serves as the television anime adaptation of author and illustrator Hajime Isayama’s original manga series of the same name. The manga ran from September 2009 to April 2021, totaling 139 chapters compiled into 34 separate book volumes. Several spinoffs have been made, but no formal sequel to Isayama’s mainline series has been announced as of this article’s writing.
Related links
- MAPPA announces Attack on Titan: The Final Chapter -The Last Attack compilation film for November 2024 release
- Attack on Titan - The Last Attack movie announces original post credit scene
- Attack on Titan: The Last Attack anime film confirms February and March 2025 global release dates