Berserk manga, by the late Kentaro Miura, is set to go on another indefinite hiatus as it will be on break in the upcoming Young Animal magazine issue 15/2023. The magazine is set to drop on July, 28. With this, it can be confirmed that the manga, which is now being supervised by Kouji Mori, will be on a hiatus.
Berserk follows the story of Guts, a warrior who was born out of a hanged corpse. He was raised as a mercenary by Gambino and became a sellsword. Following that, he met Griffith, the charismatic leader of the mercenary group known as Band of the Hawk. However, that encounter led to Guts being dragged into several unfortunate battles and events.
Berserk manga set to go on a break before the release of chapter 374
Following the release of Berserk manga chapter 373 back in May 2023, fans have been eagerly waiting for the release of chapter 374. While fans believed that the manga would be released in June 2023, it was delayed until the next month. Thus, fans hoped for the manga chapter to finally be released in the 15th issue of the Young Animal magazine on July 28.
However, nearly two weeks before the anticipated release of the magazine, it has now been confirmed that Berserk is going to be on a break in Young Animal magazine issue 15. This means that the manga will be delayed until a later date. Although neither the manga supervisor Kouji Mori nor Studio Gaga has revealed any details about the same, it appears that the manga is set to go on an indefinite hiatus again.
How fans reacted to the news
Fans were left disappointed to learn that the manga was set to go on a hiatus again. The series' chapters are already released between huge intervals. So, to learn that no return date was announced for the next segment, fans were left worried about the manga's future.
That said, fans of the series are quite accustomed to breaks as the manga has been going on lengthy hiatuses since 2006.
Following mangaka Kentaro Miura's death, fans tend to worry when they come across any news about the manga. Given the long breaks, many believe that the series would end soon. Thus, they have become restless and hope that supervisor Kouji Mori and Studio Gaga bring about a good conclusion to the story.
One fan even pointed out that Berserk volume 42 is set to come out in September 2023. Unless the decision is revised, there is good reason to believe that chapter 374 of the manga will most definitely be released in August 2023, to complete the number of pages for the manga volume.