The Bikkuri-Men anime is set to be released on October 5, 2023, and is produced by Shin-Ei Animation, which is a legendary Japanese studio that started in 1965. This is the first anime that this snack brand is going to receive since the 2006 version, despite being known for having multiple media adaptations over the years.
The recent promotional video revealed that the opening song will be Collection" by Dannie May. Meanwhile, the ending song will be "Seishun☆Whatcha Gonna Do" by Daishi Kajita, Shūta Morishima, and Tatsumaru Tachibana. There were also confirmations of the voice cast and the working staff along with pointing out the notorious mangaka involved in the character designs.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers for the Bikkuri-Men anime.
All the details about the Bikkuri-Men anime
The recent promotion video of the Bikkuri-Men anime revealed that the series is set to be released on October 5. The video also showed members of the voice cast, the working staff, and a lot more.
Some of the members of this series' voice cast include:
- Daishi Kajita as Yamato
- Shūta Morishima as Ushiwaka
- Tatsumaru Tachibana as Jack
- Sōma Saitō as Phoenix
- Yōhei Azakami as Hood
- Yuki Sakakihara as Peter
- Katsuyuki Konishi as Maris
- Yuichiro Umehara as Ippontsuri
The series is produced by Shin-Ei Animation with Hiroyuki Takei and Takuya Io as the mechanic designers. Osamu Tayama will be the art director, Rie Matsubara will be in charge of the editing with Akiko Fujita as the sound director. Additionally, INSPION Edge will be in charge of the sound production.
Of course, Hiroyuki Takei, the famous author of Shaman King, is responsible for character designs and has gotten a lot of people's attention A lot of newcomers might not have a lot of interest in an anime based on a snack brand, so Takei gives a more validity and experience to the project.
The premise
It's very likely that most anime fans are not familiar with this franchise and for a good reason too. The anime belongs to the Lotte brand, which has created tons of multimedia tie-ins to promote its snacks and many other products. In fact, while the Bikkuri-Men anime is the latest example of this approach, Lotte has been applying this tactic for decades now with multiple anime and films.
The characters are based on the stickers that they have in their products and the story is set in a world where the stickers are worth millions. Yamato is the main character in the series and she is a regular teenager who gets involved in many of the battles involving the stickers, leading to a lot of fun and hilarious circumstances.