Black Clover manga is set to change magazines as the series is set to transfer to Shueisha's Jump Giga magazine. The manga was previously rumored to either go on hiatus or face a massive overhaul. The same has finally been confirmed after the leaks from the latest Weekly Shonen Jump began to drop.
Yuki Tabata's Black Clover follows the story of Asta, a boy from the Clover Kingdom, who dreams of becoming the Wizard King. Unfortunately, in a world where everyone has magic, Asta has none. That's when he receives a five-leaf grimoire with the powers of Anit-Magic.
Disclaimer: This article may contain spoilers from the Black Clover manga.
Black Clover manga set to transfer to Jump Giga
With Shueisha removing Asta from one of their banner line-ups, fans seemed adamant that the series was either changing magazines or going on an indefinite hiatus. However, with the leaks from the latest Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, it has been confirmed that Black Clover manga will be officially leaving Weekly Shonen Jump and will be transferring to Jump Giga magazine.
As per the leaker, Black Clover chapter 368 will be the last time the manga will be released in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The series will resume its serialization in Jump Giga, which will be released in Winter.
As per the details, the magazine will feature the manga's climax, i.e., Lucius vs Asta & Yuno, Yami vs Morgen, Mereoleona vs Morris, and Noelle vs Acier. Additional details about the transfer and release schedule are set to be disclosed in the future issues of the Weekly Shonen Jump.
Jump Giga is a quarterly magazine, meaning that the manga would release only four chapters in a year. The same has also been observed when other manga have transferred to Jump Giga. Hence, Black Clover manga may have more than one chapter remaining.
The confusion arose amongst fans as the advertisement claimed that the magazine will feature the climax of the final arc, which refers to the Ultimate Wizard King Arc. That said, it does not necessarily mean that the manga will end in the next chapter. However, the chances of the manga getting extended to more than four chapters seem low. Fortunately, the manga chapters will most likely be longer, i.e., about 50 pages or more per chapter.