The latest issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump revealed that the Black Clover manga is set to leave the magazine and continue serialization in the Jump Giga magazine. Through a handwritten note, the series Mangaka Yuki Tabata conveyed to fans that he could no longer keep up with the weekly serialization and came to a decision alongside the editorial department.
Yuki Tabata's Black Clover follows the story of Asta, an orphan boy from the Hage Village in the Clover Kingdom. He dreams of becoming the Wizard King. However, Asta had no magic in a world where everyone has magic. Fortunately, he found a five-leaf grimoire that granted him Anti-Magic powers.
Black Clover Mangaka reveals the reason behind the magazine switch
Following the end of Black Clover chapter 368, the series Mangaka had a personal handwritten message for the fans, conveying the reason behind the switch from Weekly Shonen Jump to Jump Giga. The same was translated by series leaker @nite_baron on X (formerly Twitter).
Yuki Tabata's message expressed how he struggled with the increasing demand for a weekly release schedule. He had been discussing with Shueisha's editorial department to come up with a solution. Thus, they together decided to transfer the manga to Jump Giga. With that, the manga would only release one chapter every three months.
The Mangaka apologized to fans for the sudden change. He wanted to finish the serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump. However, he did not believe he could provide an optimal conclusion to the series with the current release schedule.
With the transfer to Jump Giga, the amount of time in his hands would greatly increase. Thus, the Black Clover Mangaka believed that he could proceed with the series' climax in a much more optimal manner. Additionally, he explained that there were still a few more stories that he needed to draw for the manga. Thus, he asked the audience to look forward to the series when it would release its next chapter in December 2023.
How fans reacted to the mangaka's message
Black Clover fans got quite emotional as they were glad that Yuki Tabata prioritized his health and family over the series. The Mangaka had time and again expressed the dire situation at his home. Hence, fans were certain that he needed a break.
Thus, when the Mangaka explained the reason behind the magazine switch and how he was going to power up for the next chapter, fans were happy that the manga wasn't going to end soon. Instead, the Mangaka was set to try his best to provide fans with the best ending to the series.
While fans were initially disappointed because of the three-month wait for every chapter, Tabata's message calmed them. They were worried that the magazine switch was a sign of the manga being axed. Instead, they were hinted that each chapter of the manga would be about 50-60 pages long, which seemed like a great deal for fans.
Meanwhile, some fans were curious about the stories Yuki Tabata wanted to draw for Black Clover. The emphasis on multiple stories led fans to speculate on several mini-arcs they could witness in the manga's future.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga updates as 2023 progresses.