Three hours ahead of the premiere of Bleach TYBW episode 8, individual illustrations of the First Gen Gotei 13 captains have been released by the publishing house Shueisha. The illustrations are made by mangaka Tite Kubo, and they resemble concept art in nature.
There are 12 sketches in total, and most of them look similar to concept art or character design boards. No additional information has been released by Bleach TYBW officials whatsoever.
Creator Tite Kubo draws individual Illustrations of the First Gen Gotei 13 captains hours ahead of Bleach TYBW episode 8 premiere
The illustrations each contain a full-body drawing of a First Gen Gotei 13 captain, their names written in Kanji and Katakana, and additional detailing in certain cases. Furoufushi Saito's illustration, for example, only contains a full-body sketch and the two versions of her name, with no additional component. Some fans have noted that the sketches of the male captains are far more detailed than those of the two female captains.

Chika Shihouin’s illustration features a detailed sketch of his earring. Danjiro Obana’s illustration contains a line-sketch of his face. Nobutsuna Shigyou’s Illustration contains a close-up of his face with his headgear and another without it, exposing the purple scarred skin underneath. Furuoki Outokawa’s eye and JiuHin Zenjou’s hairstyle are both shown in close-up in their individual illustrations.

The illustrations reveal every First Gen Gotei 13 captain’s personality. Chika seems to have a similar attitude to Yoruichi, while Oappearancelays a Shiba disposition similar to Isshin. Nobutsuna’s appearance and attitude are similar to Mayuri’s, while Furoufushi’s seems similar to Zaraki’s. In contrast, Outokawa appears to be the one upholding the code of conduct, a role readers are used to seeing Byakuya play in this generation of Gotei 13. Apart from Chika and Nobutsuna, no other captain is seen carrying any noble or royal insignia.

The only two anomalies in the entire set are Head-captain Yamamoto and Captain Unohana’s illustrations. Their pieces lack the two versions of their names and any additional details. Unohana, in particular, is portrayed drawing her sword in what seems to be a full-body version of her pose in the previous First Gen Gotei 13 Sketch. The background is digitally edited and colored lilac.
Final Thoughts
Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War episode 8 is supposed to focus on the Royal Guards and follow the manga canon. However, with the way Shueisha, Pierrot, and Tite Kubo are creating and promoting content about First Gen Gotei 13 Captains, fans have begun to anticipate anime original scenes of them in the future.
Of course, it appears that Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War has finally decided to gatekeep Yachiru Unohana for a little while longer. Unohana’s reveal was one of the crowning moments in the manga, and it would be a crime to rob the anime-only fans of the impact of that scene.