The Boruto anime has found extreme success with its current and prior most recent arcs. Bringing Baryon Mode Naruto to the small screen allowed the series to gain more fans than ever before.
It seems as though another big event is in the near future for the Boruto anime. A leak from this week's Weekly Shonen Jump announces the change in the opening and ending themes of the show.
In addition, the new artists both composed a Naruto opening at some point in their careers.
New Boruto opening and ending themes made by same artists responsible for iconic Naruto themes
Artist info
The Boruto anime will be receiving both a new ending and a new opening theme come January 2022. The artists have also been revealed as part of this leak, with rock band Flow composing the opening theme and singer/songwriter Anly the closing theme.
Flow has previously composed both opening and ending themes for Naruto. In fact, some of their most popular hits come from these opening and ending themes. They’re also considered as some of the best themes the series has to offer by some Naruto and Boruto fans.
The opening and ending themes Naruto and Boruto fans would best know Flow for are Naruto openings four and eight, and Naruto Shippuden opening six and ending 34. Fans will recognize Naruto Shippuden's opening six as the heartbreaking post-Jiraiya death theme, opening with a montage of Jiraiya and Naruto through the years.
Naruto and Boruto fans may also recognize Anly’s work from opening 20 as being Naruto Shippuden’s final opening. This opening served as a great intro for the series’ wrapup, as it shows every character's journey up to this point. Particularly, the opening focuses on Naruto and Sasuke’s relationship, ending with a shot of the Team Seven picture from so long ago.
Wrapping up
The Boruto series receiving new openings is great news for fans. It shows the series’ desire and current plan to air for a long time, especially by going with legacy artists from prior Naruto openings.
The new Boruto opening theme will be composed by rock band Flow, best known for its prior Naruto and Naruto Shippuden themes. The new Boruto ending theme will be composed by singer/songwriter Anly, best known for the final Naruto Shippuden theme.
All in all, these are great choices by the Boruto adaptation team. Paying homage to both the Naruto series and the Boruto series roots by bringing in some of the most iconic Naruto theme artists is a great decision. It emphasizes Boruto’s desire to distinguish itself from prior Naruto installations while also paying homage to why Boruto exists in the first place.