With the release of V Jump magazine in Japan, Boruto manga has announced its return with an announcement visual featuring Sarada Uchiha's new character design. The visual also announced that the upcoming manga will be named Boruto -Two Blue Vortex- and the series will resume serialization in August 2023.
The manga's previous chapter saw Sarada Uchiha convincing her father to help Boruto. Upon seeing his daughter activate her Mangekyo Sharingan, Sasuke decided to listen to her and joined the protagonist. With that, the master and apprentice left the village to become stronger.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Boruto manga.
Boruto leak reveals new manga name
With the release of V Jump magazine in Japan, popular leaker on Twitter @Abdul_S17 leaked out the new manga announcement. As per the announcement, the upcoming manga is set to be named Boruto -Two Blue Vortex-.
The "'Two Blue Vortex" can be assumed to be similar to that of the "Shippuden" in Naruto Shippuden. Considering that Shippuden's direct translation means "strong wind legends," "Two Blue Vortex" could be named as such to refer to both Boruto and Kawaki.
The announcement also gave fans the first look at Sarada Uchiha's new character design. As evidently, she is set to have short hair, Uchiha clan earrings, and a choker.
In addition, she is also set to have a new attire. Previously, she used to wear a sleeveless buttoned red dress bound by a yellow tie and a white belt. However, in the new design, she can be seen wearing a black tube top, with a red lining on it.
On top of that, she can be seen wearing a cloak, the colors of which resemble that of an Akatsuki cloak. Thus, there is a possibility that Sarada might have been inspired by her father's old pictures and designed her new attire to look similar to his time with Team Taka
As per the announcement, the manga is set to resume serialization in August 2023, in the next issue of V Jump.
How fans reacted to the new leak
Fans were left enthralled by the new announcement as they looked forward to the manga, which was set to release later in August 2023. In addition, they loved Sarada Uchiha's new character design and could see the resemblance between her new outfit and the Akatsuki cloak. Moreover, fans loved her short hair and choker, which was a total surprise to them
Fans praised Mangaka Ikemoto for Sarada's new character design as they could not stop praising the same. Several fans found it funny how fans created fanarts of post-timeskip Sarada with long hair. However, Ikemoto took a completely different route and gave her short hair, which seemingly complemented her new look.