Burn the Witch anime film was released on December 30, 2023, unraveling the prequel of Bleach's spin-off manga, Burn the Witch. While the original anime was released in 2020, the latest film, Burn the Witch 0.8, serves as a prequel to the original series.
Released as a single special episode, it meticulously explores the backstory, addressing plot holes and offering a wealth of context for events in the 2020 anime.
Although the actual release of this anime flew under the radar of many anime fans, it managed to break the Crunchyroll servers following its release.
Disclaimer- This article contains minor spoilers for the Burn the Witch series.
Burn the Witch 0.8 anime film overloads Crunchyroll servers
The highly anticipated release of the Burn the Witch anime film on December 30, 2023, not only marked a significant moment for fans, but also led to an unexpected turn of events.
The sheer volume of enthusiastic viewers attempting to stream the film caused an unprecedented surge in traffic, effectively breaking the Crunchyroll servers.
For over an hour, many fans found themselves unable to access the platform, a testament to the immense popularity and anticipation surrounding it.
The film's release showcased the global appeal of Burn the Witch, a series that originated as a spin-off of the renowned Bleach series. Despite its spin-off status, it has amassed a dedicated and passionate fanbase.
Behind the scenes, Studio Colorado and Team Yamahitsuji joined forces to bring Burn the Witch 0.8 to life. Directed by Tatsuro Kawano, with Taku Kishimoto at the helm of the screenplay, the film promises a captivating experience.
Renowned composer Hiroaki Tsutsumi, known for contributions to Jujutsu Kaisen and Tokyo Revengers, is credited for the film's music, while Nil returns to perform the theme song, PROVE.
The returning cast, including Yuina Yamada, Tano Asami, Shinba Tsuchiya, Hiroaki Hirata and Rie Hikisaka, brings back the beloved characters that fans have grown to adore.
Burn the Witch 0.8 adapts the 2018 one-shot chapter from Shonen Jump, laying the groundwork for the series' lore and introducing key characters like Ninny, Noel, and Balgo.
Despite the server hiccup, fans have overwhelmingly praised the 29-minute prologue episode. It serves as a precursor to the much-anticipated three-episode Burn the Witch anime released in 2020, further fueling the excitement and curiosity of the dedicated fanbase.
Final Thoughts
Burn the Witch 0.8 is actually a special single episode so there will be no continuation of the anime since none has been announced. It is the prequel of the three-episode Burn the Witch anime which is currently available on Crunchyroll.