Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card, the sequel to the legendary shojo series Cardcaptor Sakura, is getting a new story arc in 2024 after the manga was seemingly set to conclude this December. While this has generated interest for the fans of CLAMP's work, the author of the series is questioning how the story is moving forward after this month's conclusion.
Some enthusiasts expressed dissatisfaction with the Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card sequel, citing concerns about its failure to match the original series' hype and a potential lack of focus on Sakura's character,
with perhaps the focus on Sakura's character not being the finest. However, very few shojo series can compare to this one's legacy, especially considering how CLAMP has been working on it since 1996, which is saying a lot.
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card is getting a new story arc in 2024
It has been confirmed that Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card is getting a new "Special arc" in 2024 after the manga reaches its conclusion this December. There are not a lot of details when it comes to this new arc, although is worth pointing out that is coming out in March and could mean a lot of different things for the series.
The most likely scenario is that this special arc is going to be a couple of special chapters to give the series a much more fitting conclusion. After all, this is a sequel to the iconic Cardcaptor Sakura manga, and CLAMP, the author of the series, is very likely to give this seven-year-long follow-up the conclusion it deserves.
It's also worth pointing out that the series' sixteenth volume, the last one, is going to start shipping on April 1 for those who are interested in picking up the last portion of this legendary shojo work's story.
The premise and legacy of this series
As mentioned earlier, Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card is the sequel to the original Cardcaptor Sakura series that started in the mid-90s and went on to become one of the most prominent shojo series of all time.
Sakura is a young girl who accidentally releases a deck of magic cards known as Clow Cards and this leads to them being spread across Japan. It turns out that every single one of these magic cards has special abilities, which is why Sakura, who has the potential to use magic, has to go and capture them, which becomes the whole point and focus of the story.
The series has a lot of twists and turns, with Sakura becoming a much more assertive and brave character as the series progresses, especially as she begins to understand how the Clow Cards work and what they can do. And the sequel focus on Sakura finding out that many of her cards have lost their magic abilities.