Recently, the popular manga series Chainsaw Man announced its anime adaptation. Ever since it released its first few chapters, its popularity grew exponentially, and it soon became one of the most anticipated manga series at the moment. MAPPA has taken up the upcoming anime project, another reason why the entire anime community is waiting in anticipation.
However, the manga series achieved something that has surprised the community lately. According to the statistics provided by Shueisha’s Manga Plus, Chainsaw Man is the most viewed manga series on their platform. Fans were elated to see their favorite manga series have the most number of views on one of the most popular manga platforms in the world.
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Chainsaw Man becomes the most viewed manga series on Shueisha’s MANGA Plus
Fans were quite excited to see that their favorite manga series had the highest views on Shueisha’s MANGA Plus with an impressive figure of 710,885 views. The reason why this news became such a sensation is that it overtook One Piece, which is considered to be one of the best-selling and most popular mangas of all time. Now that Eiichiro Oda announced that chapter 1054 would mark the beginning of the Final Saga, fans expected One Piece to have more views than Chainsaw Man.
However, this series has made its significant mark in the manga community owing to its complex plot, well-designed characters and the way some of the dialogues have been written. Chainsaw Man’s art is quite original and the hybrid designs certainly appeal to a large chunk of the anime and manga community across the world. The chemistry shared between the characters also adds to the charm of the manga series. While some fans are surprised, some aren’t because of the sheer quality the series has displayed so far.
Plot of the series
Much like many people in this world, Denji too has a simple dream. He aims to find peace and happiness and spend his life with the woman he loves. However, Denji had a ton of debt and was forced by the Yakuza to kill devils to make up for the debt he incurred. Denji's pet devil, Pochita, was used to kill the devils. Denji was ready to do anything for a little money.
However, he was no longer useful to the Yakuza and was killed by one of the devils that had a contract with the Yakuza. After a shocking turn of events, Pochita merged with Denji and granted him the powers of the Chainsaw devil. Denji is now able to transform various parts of his body into chainsaws. He is offered a job at the Public Safety Bureau and hopes to achieve all that he dreamt of as a teenager. But trouble ensues, and life becomes not so easy as he initially thought it would be.