The author and illustrator of the critically and commercially acclaimed Chainsaw Man manga series, Tatsuki Fujimoto, has been revealed to be debuting a new one-shot manga next week. The yet-unnamed series will span 200 pages and will be released on April 11, 2022.
The reveal comes from Shihei Lin, an editor for Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man series and Tatsuya Endo’s hit SPY x FAMILY manga series. Lin has also worked with Fujimoto on his hit original series Fire Punch in the past.
Follow along as this article breaks down the news regarding Chainsaw Man author Tatsuki Fujimoto’s approaching one-shot.
Chainsaw Man editor announces series author Tatsuki Fujimoto to debut new one-shot
One-shot information
The information available for Fujimoto’s upcoming one-shot comes from Chainsaw Man (CSM) editor Shihei Lin’s tweet. In the tweet, Lin confirms the release date to be April 11, 2022 and also mentions that the one-shot will span 200 pages.
Lin is presumably an editor on the upcoming one-shot as well, which would explain why he has the information surrounding the project and is the one announcing it. Fujimoto previously published a 140-page one-shot entitled Look Back on the Shonen Jump+ app in July 2021.
The upcoming one-shot manga will most likely feature an original story. While this may upset some fans of the CSM series, it’s understandable that the one-shot would center on an original story. CSM part two is also on the horizon, returning this summer with its School arc. Part one, entitled the Public Safety arc, concluded on December 13, 2020.
The CSM anime is also currently being produced by MAPPA Studios, with a trailer having been available for several months now. While no exact release date has yet been announced, many anticipate the adaptation to premiere sometime within the 2022 calendar year.
In summation
While fans eagerly await more Chainsaw Man anime and manga material, Tatsuki Fujimoto’s new one-shot should hold fans over until the manga returns this summer. Fans can also expect the CSM anime to premiere later this year, given how much time has passed since the trailer's release.
No title or plot details for Fujimoto’s upcoming one-shot have been revealed yet. However, considering the CSM manga is returning this summer, it’s incredibly likely that the one-shot will focus on a brand new original story. If the publication is set within the CSM world, it will most likely center on views outside of characters seen in the mainline series.