City anime, a TV anime adaptation of Nichijo creator Keiichi Arawi's eponymous manga, is set to premiere in 2025. The news was confirmed by Kyoto Animation during its 2025 new release line-up online event on Saturday, September 21, 2024. The official staff has shared a promotional video, visual, and details regarding the show's main cast and director.
The anime will be released under the title, City The Animation. This marks Kyoto Animation's first new TV anime project in six years, after the arson case that burned down Building 1 of the studio. The incident robbed 36 people of their lives and left 32 wounded.
Notably, Keiichi Arawi launched the manga in Kodansha's Morning Magazine, where it was serialized from September 2016 to February 2021. The magazine published 13 tankobon volumes of the manga.
City anime's promotional video confirms the 2025 release window
On Saturday, September 21, 2024, at 9 PM JST, Kyoto Animation Studio concluded a countdown event to unveil its new project line-up for 2025. Among the announcements, the studio confirmed City anime's production (titled City The Animation), based on Keiichi Arawi's manga series of the same name.
The official staff shared a teaser promotional video, a key visual, and details about the anime's main cast and director. According to the announcement, the City anime will premiere in 2025.
However, no exact release date has been disclosed as of this writing. Notably, the teaser PV features a unique combination of images combined with live-action and animation sequences.
Along with the promotional video, the staff shared a teaser visual featuring Midori Nagumo, Wako Izumi, and Ayumu Niikura, three important characters from the gag manga series. They are seen in a children's playing box. Shortly after the anime adaptation's announcement, the staff launched an official website and an X account to share the PV and visuals with fans.
Moreover, details regarding the main cast have arrived. Mikako Komatsu stars as Nagumo, a 20-year-old penniless university student. Aki Toyosaki features as Nagumo's friend, Ayumu Niikura, who dreams of becoming a photographer. Yui Ishikawa plays the role of Wako Izumi, who likes to stalk Nagumo.
Taichi Ishidate, renowned for his contribution to the Violet Evergarden, and A Silent Voice, will be in charge of the City anime's direction at Kyoto Animation Studio. Notably, the esteemed studio's official YouTube account has shared comments from the director and the author, Keiichi Arawi.
Keiichi-san's comments in Japanese, when translated into English, read as follows:
"I think it would be great if it became a City that everyone can enjoy. I'm so excited."
Likewise, Taichi Ishidate has mentioned that Arawi-san and other staff members at Kyoto Animation are working tirelessly to create the anime. As a director, Taichi-san has urged fans to look forward to the series' broadcast. More information about the anime will be revealed in the future.
Based on Keiichi Arawi's manga, the City anime is a girl's comedy, that depicts the lives of three unusual college students, Midori, Niikura, and Wako, who live an ordinary "city life."
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