On September 25, 2024, the official X account of The Classroom of the Elite light novel series announced its sequel, Year 2 arc, will be ending on November 25, 2024, with its volume 12.5. The sequel's latest volume, volume 12, was released on July 25, 2024 (Japan).
The Classroom of the Elite: Year 2 started its serialization in January 2020 after its prequel ended in September 2019 with 14 volumes. The prequel was covered in the first three anime seasons and starting from the fourth season, the first semester of Year 2 will be adapted.
Classroom of the Elite light novel's sequel ending on November 25, 2024
According to the tweet made by the official X account of the light novel series, the sequel is set to end with volume 12.5 on November 25, 2024. The tweet also requested the audience to look forward to the final chapters of the series' sequel.
The light novel series is written by Shougo Kinugasa and illustrated by the former adult artist Shunsaku Tomose. The Classroom of the Elite light novel series is the author's most influential work. The light novel started its serialization on May 25, 2015, and after 14 volumes, ended on September 25, 2019.
The sequel light novel series, Year 2 arc, (written by the same authors) was announced shortly after and started its serialization on January 24, 2020, and, as announced already, is set to end on November 25, 2024, with its volume 12.5.
The series received its first anime adaptation by animation studio Lerche (Astra Lost in Space and Asobi Asobase). The first season aired on July 1, 2017, consisting of 12 episodes, followed by a second one on July 4, 2022, consisting of 13 episodes, and a third one on January 3, 2024, consisting of 13 episodes.
These three seasons adapted the first part of The Classroom of the Elite light novel series. The Classroom of the Elite season 4, announced on September 1, 2024, will adapt the first part of the sequel light novel series.
The Classroom of the Elite light novel synopsis
The light novel is a psychological-thriller series taking place in Japan where the government selects students from all around the country to study, on scholarship, at Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School. Students will be divided into groups and each group has to progress to the next year through a combined effort, be it physical or mental.
Among these students is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, a male student with a mysterious past, who is placed in the lowest-ranking class. With him trying his best to avoid revealing his dark origins, how long can he continue to put up a facade?
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