The upcoming television anime series Classroom for Heroes dropped a new promotional video that revealed some major information about the forthcoming fantasy anime that is based on Shin Araki's Eiyu Kyoshitsu light novel series.
The promotional video confirmed that the anime will be premiering soon. It also revealed additional staff details and the theme song artist. The anime's official website also went on to drop a new visual that evidently spiked the hype for the anime even more.
Classroom for Heroes anime's new trailer reveals it will premiere in July 2023
The official website of the anime, Classroom for Heroes, released the first trailer of the upcoming series on Wednesday, March 22, 2023. In the almost two-minute-long clip, the makers made sure to present a glimpse of the fantasy world that Shin Araki's Eiyu Kyoshitsu light novel is based on.
The promotional chip made the announcement about the release window of the anime, which is set to be a part of the Summer Anime Season of the year as it will be released in July 2023. Thus, the premier is just around the corner and fans seem to be overjoyed about this.
The theme song artists for Classroom for Heroes
Theme songs are important to set the mood for an anime, and the trailer surprised fans by revealing the artists responsible for creating theme songs for Classroom for Heroes.
The anime's opening theme song will be performed by VTuber Kaede Higuchi, while the ending theme song will be performed by Akane Kumada. However, the anime's official website did not reveal the song titles, which fans are now looking forward to.
Staff details
Classroom for Heroes is produced by Actas and directed by Keiichiro Kawaguchi. The script has been written by Naoki Hayashi, the characters have been designed by Ksuke Kawamura, and the music has been composed by Ktar Nakagawa.
The team in charge of creating the anime appears to be well-equipped with some of the finest members. The website used the trailer release to reveal the anime's additional staff and cast. The newly announced staff members include:
- Assistant Director: Hideaki Nakano
- Chief Animation Director: Eri Kojima
- Main Prop Design: Noboru Jitsuhara
- Monster & Mechanical Design: Yasuhiro Moriki, Miki Matsuda
- Accessory Design: Ryou Akizuki
- Color Key Artist: Sachiko Harada
- Art Director: e-Caesar
- Art Supervision: Junichi Higashi
- Art: Shinya Tanaka
- Art Design: Ryota Fukai
- Backgrounds: Studio Easter
- 3D Director: Makoto Endo
- 2D Works/CG Producer: Tsutomu Nagai
- Director of Photography: Kōhei Tanada
- Compositing Special Effects: Mika Narukawa
- Photography: Graphinica
- Editing: Gō Sadamatsu
- Sound Director: Takayuki Yamaguchi
- Sound Effects: Yui Ando
- Recording Engineer: Shiori Saitō
- Sound Production: Jinnan Studio
- Music: Kotaro Nakagawa
- Music Production: Lantis
The cast members include:
- Reiji Kawashima as Blade
- Misuzu Yamada as Arnest Flaming
- Nao Tōyama as Sophi
- Hina Kino as Cú Chulainn
About the anime
Classroom for Heroes is based on a world where a Demon Lord once terrorized the planet, but he was eventually defeated and his rule was put to an end by a Hero who stepped up to challenge him. The Hero then established Rosewood Academy, which enrolls only the best of the best in order to help create an elite hero army for the world to achieve supremacy.
Arnest Flaming, a girl with a strong sense of duty and a top student at the academy, earns the title of Empress of Flames Hon no Kg. She then meets the lively, carefree new transfer student Blade, a boy who seems to be her equal in terms of power, which irritates her.
As the story progresses, the plot becomes more interesting and full of action and comedy. Much like My Hero Academia, the anime will showcase the students as they struggle to become the best possible heroes to protect the world.