On Tuesday, January 28, 2025, the official website and X (formerly Twitter) account for the Clevatess anime shared a new "episode visual," featuring a story from the original author, Yuji Iwahara. Along with the illustration, the official staff announced that the series will premiere in July 2025.
Produced by Lay-duce, Clevatess anime serves as an adaptation of the original manga series (Clevatess - The King of Magical Beasts, the Baby, and the Corpse Hero), written and illustrated by Yuji Iwahara. Line Digital Frontier's Line Manga service has been serializing the manga since August 2020. Additionally, the series is published on the Comic Alive+ website.
Clevatess anime set to debut in July 2025
According to the official staff on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, the Clevatess anime will begin its broadcast in July 2025, i.e., in Summer 2025. In addition, the anime's staff has unveiled a new episodic visual, featuring Toara, gently watching over her child, Luna, immediately after giving birth.
Interestingly, the visual is accompanied by a new story from the original mangaka, Yuji Iwahara. It's a short story, beginning with Taora's attendant congratulating her on the birth of a healthy boy. Overwhelmed with emotions, Taora swears to protect him. Her attendant says the Majety is also pleased with the birth of his heir, a grandson.
Just then, Taora thinks about the boy's eventual fate. Since he is born as the prince of Heiden, he cannot escape the "legend of the hero and his fate in the forge." That's why, Taora wants to make it to the day before the naming ceremony. When her attendant asks if something is wrong, Taora says there's no need for concern.
Cast and staff for the Clevatess anime
According to the official staff, Haruka Shiraishi has joined the voice cast for the Clevatess anime as Alicia, while Mutsumi Tamura stars as Clen. Besides them, the voice cast includes Yuichi Nakamura as the hero, Clevatess, and Saya Aizawa as Luna. Yuichi-san has earned recognition for voicing Satoru Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen. More cast members will be announced in the future.
Coming to the main staff, Kiyotaka Taguchi directs the dark fantasy anime at Lay-duce Studios, with Keigo Koyonagi as the script supervisor and writer. In addition, Souichiro Sako has joined the main staff as the character designer, while Nobuaki Nobusawa is the music composer.
Based on the manga, the Clevatess anime centers around Alicia, one of the 13 heroes chosen by the emperor to slay the Clevatess, the King of the Magical Beasts. However, the heroes' efforts bring calamity to the realm. With humanity on the brink of ruins, the only hope remains in Luna, a baby, who is entrusted to Clevatess.
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