On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, Disney began streaming a special video for the anime portion of its hybrid live-action and anime fantasy adventure project, the Dragons of Wonderhatch. The special video announced four new cast members for the anime segments of the series, including the addition of the voice of Code Geass’ Lelouch vi Britannia.
The Dragons of Wonderhatch series is set to switch between live-action and anime segments throughout the entire series, both of which will contribute to one overarching story. The series is set to premiere internationally on the Disney+ platform on December 20, 2023, and boasts an impressive cast for both its anime and live-action portions.
The Dragons of Wonderhatch series was initially announced in November of 2022, featuring a sizzle reel trailer, which included behind-the-scenes footage for the series and more. While anime fans are skeptical of how the final product will turn out, there’s nevertheless considerable excitement and curiosity to see what exactly happens.
Dragons of Wonderhatch series set to cast Code Geass’ Lelouch, My Hero Academia’s All Might, and more
The latest
The special video for the Dragons of Wonderhatch series announces Yu Shimamura, Kenta Miyake, Jun Fukuyama, and Shimba Tsuchiya as joining the anime portion’s cast.
Shimamura will play Kate, the deputy commander of Akuta’s unit. Miyake and Fukuyama will play Byce and Gatz, respectively, both of whom are members of Akuta’s unit. Meanwhile, Tsuchiya will play Maul, an Upanantan boy who still believes in the existence of another world.
All four have had impressive prior roles in the anime industry, most notably Fukuyama’s work as the voice of Code Geass protagonist, Lelouch vi Britannia. Miyaka is likely best known as the voice of My Hero Academia’s All Might, while Shimamura’s most notable credit is as the voice of Attack on Titan’s Annie Leonhart. Last but not least, Tsuchiya is likely best known by anime fans as the voice of either Burn the Witch’s Balgo Parks or Haikyuu!!’s Tsutomu Goshiki.
Additional anime cast members include Kenjiro Tsuda as Gyro and Shunsuke Takeuchi as Gafin. The live-action cast includes Sena Nakajima as Nagi, Daiken Okudaira as Tyme, Yoshito Emmanuelle as Son, Mackenyu Arata as Akuta, Rena Tanaka as Hana, Masaki Mirua as Taichi, Riko Narumi as Ayana Nijisaki, and Sumire as Saira.
Kyota Fujimoto, Takamasa Oe, and Anna Kawahara wrote the scripts for the project, with Teruhisa Yamamoto, Hitoshi Itou, and Hideyuki Wakuta serving as producers. C & I Entertainment is credited as the production company, with Production I.G producing the project’s anime portion.
Kentaro Hagiwara is directing after spending five years developing the series, while Takashi Otsuka is directing the anime segments. Posuka Demizu is drafting the original character designs and concept art for the series overall.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.