Part of the popular 2021 anime franchise, Horimiya: The Missing Pieces will finally be available in English with a dubbed version. Crunchyroll made the exciting announcement on Wednesday, revealing that the dubbed version is set to premiere on July 15, 2023.
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces is poised to delight fans of the original series. This installment will bring to life some of the beloved manga's most cherished side stories, which was previously left out in the first season. Consequently, enthusiasts can look forward to immersing themselves further into the lives and connections of their favorite characters.
The anime is an adaptation of the manga series titled "HERO" by Daisuke Hagiwara, which shares the same name. This manga was serialized in Monthly GFantasy magazine from 2011 until 2021.
Aside from the English dub, Horimiya: The Missing Pieces will also be available in various other languages
The subbed version of Horimiya: The Missing Pieces is already available to be streamed on both Crunchyroll and Funimation. But as the demand for the English dubbed version grew, Crunchyroll announced that the series will now have the same on its platform from Saturday, July 15, onwards.
Aside from that, Crunchyroll has announced that Horimiya: The Missing Pieces will be available in 8 languages, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Turkish. Thus, besides the English dub, viewers can enjoy the show in multiple languages.
The English dub of the show will maintain the original cast from the first season, with Marisa Duran as Kyouko Hori and Alejandro Saab as Izumi Miyamura. The talented Caitlin Glass will be directing the dub production.
Plot of Horimiya: The Missing Pieces
Horimiya is a slice-of-life anime that delves into the interconnected lives of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura. At school, Hori maintains a popular image while concealing her true self from everyone else. On the other hand, Miyamura, often misunderstood due to his reserved nature, harbors his own secrets. When their paths cross, an unbreakable bond forms between them, allowing both Hori and Miyamura to gradually reveal their vulnerable sides and forge a deeper connection.
The plot Horimiya: The Missing Pieces picks up from where the first season left off. Hori and Miyamura are now officially a couple, relishing their time together while navigating new hurdles involving their families and friends.The anime further delves into the characters' backstories, shedding light on Hori's relationship with her parents and Miyamura's intriguing past.
Final thoughts
The English dubbed version of Horimiya: The Missing Pieces is expected to captivate fans who enjoyed the first season. The talented cast brings the characters to life, and the translation remains faithful to the original Japanese.
If readers enjoy slice-of-life anime, the heartwarming and charming series Horimiya: The Missing Pieces is definitely worth checking out. It already offers a delightful experience in the subbed version, so anyone looking forward to the dubbed version particularly can start streaming it from today.