The Dark Gathering anime series, based on Kenichi Kondo’s manga series, launched a promotional video on June 16 and revealed that the series is coming out on July 9. It is the third promotional video for the project, and, along with that, new key visuals for the series were released. The video also had glimpses of the opening theme song, Kakuriyo, which translates to afterlife.
There are a lot of expectations surrounding this adaptation, as Kondo’s manga had a lot of positive reviews and is now finally being adapted into an anime series.
Disclaimer: This article has minor spoilers for the Dark Gathering anime series.
The Dark Gathering anime series will debut on Tokyo MX on July 9
A new promotional video for the Dark Gathering anime was released this Friday. The series is going to make its debut on Tokyo MX on July 9 and will then air on Kansai TV and BS Asahi later that night. HIDIVE is also going to simulcast the premiere episode as it is airing in Japan. However, there is going to be a special premiere in North America at the Anime Expo event taking place on July 3.
The voice cast includes Yū Sasahara as Yayoi Hо̄zuki, Nobunaga Shimazaki as Keitarо̄ Gentо̄ga, Kana Hanazawa as Eiko Hо̄zuki, and Rina Kawaguchi as Ai Kamiyo. Further details about the voice cast haven’t been revealed or announced.
The creative team has Hiroshi Ikehata as the director in OLM studio, Shigeru Murakoshi as the supervisor of the series’ scripts, Shin'ya Segawa as the character designer, Takahiro Uezono as the 3D director, and Kohei Yoshida as the sound director. Singer Kana Hanazawa is going to do the show’s ending song, Haiiro, which means gray, and it was written by Konomi Fujimura and Katsutoshi Kitagawa.
The plot of the Dark Gathering anime
Dark Gathering tells the story of Keitaro Gentoga, a young man who also happens to be a medium. He can connect with spirits from the beyond, but he is locked away after a possession event that took place two years prior to the series’ beginning. Later on, as he is trying to adjust to society, he meets a girl named Yayoi Hozuki, and after a series of events, they start working together to catch evil spirits.
Part of the manga’s appeal was the combination of niche artwork with strong characterization and a healthy balance of humor and seriousness. This is a series that deals with a lot of serious topics and has a lot of great moments, but doesn’t take away from the levity that it requires to be fairly balanced.
If the Dark Gathering anime adaptation manages to capture the brilliance of Kenichi Kondo’s manga, then it is set for a lot of success.