On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, the official website of the Dorohedoro anime announced a sequel. This announcement was made with a teaser visual featuring protagonists Caiman and Nikaidou. Unfortunately, no release window has been announced for the anime series.
Dorohedoro, written and illustrated by Q Hayashida, is a Japanese gore manga series. The series began serialization in November 2000 and has since changed its magazine twice. Despite the changes, the manga finished and was collected in 23 compiled volumes.
Dorohedoro announces sequel anime with new teaser visual
Dorohedoro anime's official website announced a sequel anime, stating that it is under production. The previous anime was released back in the Winter 2020 anime season. Hence, it has been four years since the previous anime was released.
As stated by the website, since the end of the previous anime, "Doroheads" have been urging for a sequel season. Fortunately, the anime has finally been announced to be in production.
The announcement was made with a teaser visual of Caiman and his partner Nikaidou as both of them could be seen jumping out of the Hungry Bug restaurant, which is owned by Nikaidou. The illustration is depicted in such a way as if Caiman and Nikaidou were waiting for the announcement as well.
In addition to the announcement and teaser visual, the anime's website has also shared the manga creator Q Hayashida's comments regarding the sequel anime announcement.
The manga creator shared that he couldn't be happier to see the Dorohedoro anime continue and thanked everyone who was involved in the production.
He shared that the production has made gradual progress over a long period. Thus, he was very much looking forward to seeing how it went.
"It's been a while since the first season, but I hope you'll come back into the world of Dorohedoro anime."
Given the long wait since the first season, the manga creator is hoping that the fans will be able to seamlessly get into the sequel anime as well.
Unfortunately, that's all the information that the anime announced for now. Hence, there is no release window for the anime. Additionally, the anime did not confirm who will be producing the sequel series. However, there is a good chance that MAPPA, who animated the first season, will be responsible for the second season as well.
As fans would know, Dorohedoro anime was directed by Yuuichirou Hayashi. He was also responsible for directing Attack on Titan: The Final Season at MAPPA. With the final season finally over, the director could likely return to Q Hayashida's series to direct the sequel anime.
Lastly, there is a good chance that the sequel anime will not receive a television broadcast. Instead, it might just be made available for streaming.
As fans might remember, the anime's first season was first televised on Tokyo MX from January to March 2020, followed by a worldwide streaming release on Netflix in May 2020. However, the sequel anime has not shared anything about a television broadcast, leaving one with reason to believe that the sequel anime might only be made available for streaming.