Following the announcement of the Dragon Ball Daima anime, fans had been waiting for more information about the series to be released. That's when Toei Animation Latin America's Licensing Director Daniel Castaneda revealed a few key details about the series, including a 20-episode run and October 2024 release.
Dragon Ball Daima is a new anime series from the franchise that is set to take place in a timeline near the end of Dragon Ball Z. The anime series is set to be an original anime produced to celebrate the franchise's 40th anniversary and was announced for a Fall 2024 release.
Dragon Ball Daima set to have 20 episodes
According to Toei Animation Latin America's Licensing Director Daniel Castaneda, the Dragon Ball Daima anime is set to receive a web release worldwide in October 2024. He also revealed that the anime has been planned for 20 episodes, the production for which may end by May 2023.
The Licensing Director also conveyed how usually an anime is first released in Japan, following which the studio waits for another six months before beginning work on the dubbed episodes. This is because they wait until 26 episodes are available for the dubbing work. However, this time, it was set to be different as the studio is planning to launch the anime worldwide at the same time.
Following the worldwide release of the anime in both subbed and dubbed in October 2024, the anime will most likely be available for free-to-air TV premiere in January 2025.
Fans can expect more information about the same either during Jump Festa 2024 on December 16-17 or Bandai Namco's Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour 2024, set to take place from January 26 - 28 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
What is Dragon Ball Daima anime about?
Dragon Ball Daima is an anime series that will focus on the franchise's storyline after the battle against Majin Buu. As evident from the teaser, a magician, seemingly connected to Babidi, is set to want the eternal dragon Shenron to turn Goku and his friends into children. This wish will nerf the characters, forcing Goku to rely on his power pole again.
Wanting to stop the magician and get their original bodies back, Goku will be teaming up with Supreme Kai and travel from planet to planet in search of the magician. This search will let them confront several new enemies and meet new friends, all of which will eventually lead them to their target.