Dragon Ball DAIMA released a new trailer on January 29, 2024, showcasing glimpses of the upcoming anime project, with Goku receiving the lion’s share of screen time. The official page also took to X to reveal Goku and Krillin’s character visuals on January 29, 2024.
Dragon Ball DAIMA is the franchise’s latest project that will be animated by Toei Animation. While the anime project was announced at New York Comic Con in 2023, the anime series is slated to release sometime in Fall 2024. Thus, fans are keen to take a closer look at the new trailer as well as the character visuals for Goku and Krillin.
Dragon Ball DAIMA trailer and character visuals
The trailer is a minute-long montage of various action-packed scenes that are centered around Son Goku, the protagonist of the series. Based on his appearance, one would assume that this was in a timeline when Goku was a child.
However, the synopsis suggests that a “conspiracy” led to the characters becoming smaller. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that Goku still retains the intelligence that he had in his adult form.
The Dragon Ball DAIMA trailer showcased various moments where Goku was able to take on opponents who were twice his size. One of the highlights of this trailer was Goku’s choice of weapon. He was seen wielding the Power Pole, which is a magical staff that can change its length while fighting.
As seen in the post attached above, Dragon Ball DAIMA revealed the character design for Goku and Krillin. The latter donned an orange-colored shirt, with text that read “Kame,” and grey-colored trousers. The human deuteragonist has been an important part of the Dragon Ball journey, and it will be interesting to see how he assists Goku in this new quest.
Dragon Ball DAIMA main staff
The trailer also revealed the main staff that will be working on this upcoming project. Yoshitaka Yashima and Aya Komaki will direct the series, while Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru will be responsible for the character design for the upcoming project. He has provided character designs for the original Dragon Ball series as well as Digimon Adventure.
The script will be provided by Yuuko Kakihara. He has provided scripts for some of the most popular anime titles like Chihayafuru, Urusei Yatsura, and Cells at Work!! The story is credited to Akira Toriyama himself. Meanwhile, the detailed voice cast has not been revealed at the moment, although we know that Masako Nozawa will return to voice Goku in DAIMA.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2024 progresses.