Dragon Ball Super manga is set to go on a hiatus after the release of chapter 103. While chapter 103 is officially set to release on Thursday, March 21, 2024, the alleged spoilers for the same were leaked a few days ago. The leaked information revealed that the manga will be going on a hiatus.
Dragon Ball Super manga was written by Akira Toriyama and illustrated by Toyotarou. The manga author passed away on March 1, 2024, and the news about the same was revealed by Bird Studio and Capsule Corporation Tokyo a week later.
Disclaimer: This article may contain spoilers from the Dragon Ball Super manga.
Dragon Ball Super chapter 104 is set to be delayed
Dragon Ball Super chapter 103 is officially set to release on Thursday, March 21, 2024. However, days before its release, the spoilers from the V Jump magazine were leaked. The alleged leaked spoilers stated that the Dragon Ball Super manga series will be absent from next month's V Jump issue #6 2024.
That said, it has not been revealed if the hiatus will only last a month or extend into an indefinite hiatus. Fans will likely have to wait until chapter 103 officially releases to get more details about the upcoming hiatus.
Following the death of manga author Akira Toriyama, fans were expecting the series to go on a hiatus. However, the manga series is set to release chapter 103, after which, the series will be going on a hiatus. Given that Akira Toriyama greatly contributed to the series, Shueisha and Toyotarou will likely have to come up with a plan for the manga series' future in his absence.
Such decisions are bound to take some time. However, after that, fans can expect the series to reveal its decision on who will write the story for the future chapters and other details.
What to expect from the manga after chapter 103?
As hinted at in the preview of chapter 103, the upcoming installment is set to end the epilogue of the SUPER HERO Arc. Hence, fans can expect future chapters to set up the new arc.
Considering that before the SUPER HERO Arc, the manga series introduced fans to Black Frieza, there is a good chance that the forthcoming arc will focus on the villain. Therefore, fans can expect the Saiyans, i.e., Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and Broly to face off against Frieza.
In addition, Goten and Trunks' involvement in the current arc might indicate that they may play an important role in the upcoming story arc as well.
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