During the Virtual Anime Fes held on Saturday, Toei Animation announced the production of Rakuen Tsuiho: Liberated From Paradise, which serves as the Expelled From Paradise anime film sequel. While no release date was announced, the official team behind the anime shared a key visual.
Produced by Graphinica, Expelled From Paradise was one of the top-rated original anime sci-fi movies released in 2014. The animated film garnered considerable popularity, selling 110,000 tickets in Japan after its premiere. As such, the sequel movie's production has become fascinating news for the fans.
Expelled From Paradise anime film sequel is titled Rakuen Tsuiho: Liberated From Paradise
On Saturday, January 27, 2024, Toei Animation held a new VR lineup event called the Virtual Anime Fes, where it was revealed that the Expelled From Paradise anime sequel is in production. As mentioned earlier, the film's title has been revealed as Rakuen Tsuiho: Liberated From Paradise.
Notably, a short promotional video and a key visual were unveiled alongside this announcement. While both the teaser PV and the illustration don't reveal much about the film's plot, it has nonetheless created hype surrounding the anime film.
Fans should also note that no release date has been decided for this movie as of this writing. However, it was mentioned during the livestream that the Expelled From Paradise anime film sequel will reunite the original movie's main staff.
In other words, Seiji Mizushima will direct the anime, with Gen Urobuchi as the scriptwriter. Masatsugu Saito also returns as the character designer, while NARASAKI will compose the movie's music. More details concerning the anime's cast and staff will be revealed at a later date.
The original dystopian sci-fi movie premiered on November 15, 2014, in Japan. Even though it was released in only 13 theatres, the movie sold a staggering 110,000 tickets. Furthermore, the movie's Blu-ray version also sold over 70,000 copies.
Aside from that, Gen Urobuchi and Seiji Mizushima's film clinched the Best Animation of the Year Award at the 24th Japan Movie Critics Choice Awards in 2015. Later, the movie premiered on the US shores by Aniplex in December 2014. The Blu-ray Disc version of the film was later released in June 2025.
While no information about the Expelled from Paradise anime film sequel's plot or characters is available, it promises to deliver the same level of excitement to fans who loved the first movie.
As was evident from both the trailer and the key visuals, the movie may once again delve into the familiar realm of dystopian sci-fi, and enchant the viewers with an exhilarating narrative. Moreover, since it's a sequel, it may see the returning characters from the original movie
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