On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, it was announced that the final episodes of the Pokémon Ultimate Journeys anime series would be made available on Netflix later next month. Following the conclusion of the anime series on the streaming service, the collection of episodes, which commemorate Ash and Pikachu’s decades-long journey, will be made available.
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys initially ended in Japan earlier this year, and highlighted the end of Pikachu and Ash’s journey together. This latest announcement from The Pokémon Company International further suggests that season 26 of the anime series has already received rave reviews from die-hard franchise fans.
This comes after a previous English press release for The Pokémon Company emphasized that the upcoming season would premiere in 2023 “and beyond.” At the time, fans had already interpreted this to suggest international releases for the season. With Pokémon Ultimate Journeys set to stream internationally on Netflix, it seems that this is indeed the case.
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys anime set to hit Netflix on June 23, 2023
The Pokémon: Ultimate Journeys anime, which is the third season of the Journeys series, first premiered in Japan in December 2021 and ended in March 2023. The series totalled 57 episodes and 5 specials, and fans will see these episodes begin rolling out on Netflix later next month.
Once these episodes are added to Netflix, which will likely take place over the course of several months, users will find the aforementioned special episode collections available for streaming. These focus on Ash and Pikachu’s “final chapter,” wrapping up their story as Pokémon League Champions after more than two decades’ worth of adventuring together.
Pokémon Horizons, the latest anime in the franchise, premiered on April 14 with a one-hour first-episode special. The show releases in Japan every Friday at 6:55 pm Japanese Standard Time. While not currently exported to international markets, there are indications that this will happen in the near-future, as mentioned above.
The new anime follows completely new dual protagonists Liko and Roy and features the video game’s 9th-generation starter Pokémon Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly, as seen in the Violet and Scarlet video games. The series will also feature the Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza in its Shiny form.
While Ash and his Pikachu won’t be appearing in the new series, the latter’s species will still be represented by new character Captain Pikachu. Captain Pikachu is part of a Pokémon-partner duo with fellow new character Friede. Fans can expect to see the two battle alongside Liko and Roy as the series progresses.
Several other new characters, teams, and more will also be introduced as the latest series continues its story.
Be sure to keep up with all Pokémon anime news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.