As per information revealed by Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine, The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse manga has ended its first part in the magazine's 49th issue. Following that, the manga series is set to take a one-week break and return with the series' second part in November.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse is the sequel manga series to The Seven Deadly Sins. Hence, similar to the first manga, Nakaba Suzuki is the Mangaka of the new series as well. The manga has been under serialization since January 2021 and has been collected into 14 tankōbon volumes to date.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse to start second part in November 2023
With the release of Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine's 49th issue, the magazine published the final chapter from the first part of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse manga. With the release of Chapter 128 on November 8, the manga announced a one-week hiatus, followed by a second part.
Hence, the manga series will be on a hiatus next week. After that, it will return in the upcoming issue 51/2023 of the magazine. The manga's second part is set to begin serialization on November 22. The occasion will be commemorated with a lead color page.
What is Four Knights of the Apocalypse about?
Four Knights of the Apocalypse is a sequel manga for The Seven Deadly Sins. The story follows the life of Percival, a boy who lived with his grandfather on God's Finger, a remote place that was located high above the clouds. While Percival loved his life at God's Finger, he longed for adventure. His curiosity for the same was what led him to meet a mysterious knight and lead him back to his home.
Soon after, Percival found out that the knight had attacked his grandfather Varghese. While the young boy tried to defend his home, he was defeated and left to die by the knight. Later, on the brink of his death, Varghese explained to Percival that the knight was none other than his father Ironside.
With nothing left to do, Percival began his journey and left his life as a sheltered boy to learn about the world. During this journey, he made friends, along with whom, he planned to defeat Ironside.
That said, how will his new friends react when they find out about Percival's destiny? Fortunately, fans can witness the same through an anime adaptation that is currently ongoing.