On Monday, January 8, 2024, the official X (formerly Twitter) handle of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End anime shared a character promotional video featuring Denken, one of the contestants of the First Class Mage Exam in the narrative. This PV has come four days ahead of Episode 18's release (January 12, 2024).
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End is based on the eponymous manga series written by Kanehito Yamada and illustrated by Tsukasa Abe. The series premiered on September 29, 2023, with a movie-length episode.
A total of 16 episodes were released until December 22, 2023, after which the anime returned with its second cour on January 5, 2024. This new cour will adapt the famous First Class Mage Exam arc from the manga.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End reveals new PV to showcase Denken from First Class Mage Exam arc
As mentioned earlier, the official X handle for Frieren: Beyond Journey's End unveiled a new character PV on January 8, 2024, at 6 pm JST, ahead of episode 18. The 15-second video clip showcases the Imperial Mage, Denken, who is voiced by Jirou Saito.
Anime enthusiasts may know Jirou-san as a renowned voice actor who has lent his voice acting skills to play characters such as Theo Magath in Attack on Titan, Orlumbus in One Piece, Leol in Hunter x Hunter, and others. Besides these, he has also gone on to voice many side characters from other anime titles.
Notably, the short promotional clip introduces Denken and showcases his strength as a mage. As is evident, he will become one of the candidates participating in the First Class Mage Exam, along with Frieren, Fern, Lawine, and others. There's no doubt that he will play a huge role in the story's context.
Chapter 37 of the Frieren: Beyond Journey's End manga also describes him as a second-class mage. According to the Exam proctor, Genau, Denken is a "sly old fox" who became the imperial mage after surviving a violent power struggle.
As such, it remains to be seen whether he becomes a friend or a foe to the elven mage and her apprentice. Besides Denken, the official staff has also revealed character PVs for other major characters who will appear in the anime, such as Lawine, Ehre, and Wirbel.
Considering that episode 18 of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End anime will cover chapters 37 and possibly 38, fans can expect to see Denken and other new characters who will take the First Class Mage Exam in the upcoming episode.
Additional information
Based on author Kanehito Yamada and illustrator Tsukasa Abe's eponymous fantasy manga series, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End anime has enchanted fans worldwide. Tomohiro Suzuki is at the helm of affairs at Madhouse Production Studio, with Reiko Nagasawa designing the characters.
Evan Call is composing the series' music, while Tomohiro Suzuki is writing the series' scripts. Yorushika has performed the opening theme Haru for the anime's second cour, replacing YOASOBI's Hero from the first cour. Millet's Anytime, Anywhere remains the same ED for both the cours.
Keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2024 progresses.