The Frieren manga serves as the foundation for the highly acclaimed Frieren: Beyond Journey's End anime, which debuted in the Fall of 2023, swiftly becoming one of the year's standout series. Animated by MADHOUSE studios, the anime has seamlessly entered its second cour.
Notably, the Frieren manga has risen in popularity due to the recent anime's success and has attracted a lot of attention to it. Previously a niche favorite among dedicated fans, Frieren now enjoys newfound recognition, marking a significant shift in its reception and affirming the power of anime adaptations in amplifying the appeal of manga.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the Frieren manga.
Frieren manga wins yet another award
The 69th Shogakukan Manga Awards have determined the winners. These notable winners are Sousou no Frieren by Tsukasa Abe and Kanehito Yamada, Elusive Samurai by Yusei Matsui, Trillion Game by Riichiro Inagaki & Ryoichi Ikegami, and Suuji de Asobo by Murako Kinuta.
The awards committee have given their approval. A bronze statue and a prize of 1 million yen (roundly, US$6,800) will be theirs.
This year's contest ended up being different. There were no strict categories. Best Children's, Best Shōnen, Best Shōjo, or Best General Manga didn't apply. The committee widened their view. They celebrated all types of manga, and so more genres had a shot at winning.
Notably, the recent Frieren series has also been selected as one of the winners and has gotten first place. The Frieren manga follows elven mage Frieren on a quest to reunite with her comrade Himmel.
With 17 million copies in circulation by December 2023, it secured the 14th Manga Taishō, the New Creator Prize, and the 69th Shogakukan Manga Award.
Accessible digitally on Viz Media's app and Kindle, physical volumes are also available on platforms like Amazon.
The English release of the Frieren manga began in November 2021, complemented by a September 2023 anime adaptation produced by Madhouse and distributed by Crunchyroll and Muse Communication in various regions.
Frieren stands as a globally celebrated manga and anime masterpiece.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End anime is currently airing, with 18 episodes released and a planned total of 24.
Available on Crunchyroll, episode 19 is also streaming on Netflix, Bilbili, Aniplus Asia, iQIYI, Muse Asia, and other platforms in selected regions, offering a diverse viewing experience for fans worldwide.
Final thoughts
The Frieren: Beyond Journey's End anime faithfully adapts the manga, earning overwhelming praise from fans. With the anime now in its second cour, it delves into the First Class Mage Exam arc.
The manga, with 122 chapters, continues to captivate readers with its intricate fantasy narrative, ensuring both anime enthusiasts and manga readers are in for a treat.