The previously announced Genshin Impact anime, set to be based on the game of the same name, saw a very informative and significant leak come out on Friday, October 14. Originally announced in September 2022, the anime is set to be produced by Ufotable Studios, with game developers miHoYo also collaborating on the project.
The original Genshin Impact game is an anime artstyle open-world MMORPG free-to-play game with internal microtransactions. These microtransactions provide performance benefits as well as cosmetic upgrades, but the game is not typically viewed as a "pay-to-win" format.
Follow along as this article fully breaks down the latest Genshin Impact anime news.
Genshin Impact anime allegedly in production, set to be a prequel story to original game’s plot
The Genshin Impact anime leak from earlier today comes via Twitter user @AniNewsAndFacts (AniNews), a lesser-known but still reputable figure in the social media anime news community. Based on AniNews’ leak, it seems as if the series’ anime adaptation will primarily focus on the lore of the world's past, which is mentioned in the game.
Per AniNews, the upcoming anime series will be a prequel story "covering the Archon War Era of the Teyvat." The series is also allegedly set to feature "the destruction of Khaenriah, first arrival of Lumine and Aether." AniNews ends their leak by claiming that production is one-quarter complete.
While AniNews does add pictures to this tweet, these appear to be promotional images for the original game rather than leaked stills of the anime series’ production. With production only one-quarter of the way complete, it makes sense that no stills are available as of this article’s writing, as well as why September’s announcement trailer featured no series footage.
The original Genshin Impact game has risen to become one of the most popular and successful MMORPGs in recent years, as well as one of the most successful gacha games. A gacha game is one that encourages players to spend both in-game and on loot box-type items, which rewards buyers with a randomly selected item.
This spending of in-game currency is believed to influence the willingness to spend real-life currency on these items as well. Unsurprisingly, this has led to severe criticism of the gacha game format, especially from parents with young children who may or may not understand the value of a dollar.
Nevertheless, the wildly successful original game seems to have paved the way for an anime that is well into production. Having only been announced last month, fans can likely expect the anime to be released sometime in mid-to-late 2023.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.