A new Gintama spin-off anime adaptation was announced for Sunday, March 19, 2023. The information was made public after the news was disclosed in the first half of Gintama Ato no Matsuri 2023, a festival celebrating the series after it had concluded.
The post-anime festival was scheduled for Sunday, March 19, at the Ryogoku Kokugikan National Sumo Arena. However, since the aforementioned announcement was made during the post-celebration festival, the entire fandom has been excited. Given that Bandai Namco Pictures produced the previous series and has a significant role in Ato no Matsuri 2023, it is likely that they will continue to serve as the production studio.
Gintama: Class 3-Z, Ginpachi Sensei is yet to receive a release date
Gintama, a Japanese manga series written and drawn by Hideaki Sorachi, is now a household name for otakus within the community. From December 2003 to September 2018, the series was published in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. Then, from December 2018 to February 2019, it appeared in Jump Giga. The franchise's chapters are put together in 77 volumes of tankobon.
The anime series debuted on TV Tokyo in April 2006 and lasted 367 episodes before ending in October 2018. Besides the anime television series, the franchise has also published various notable movies and OVAs. However, with the original series now finished, the franchise has officially confirmed that a new spin-off, titled Gintama: Class 3-Z, Ginpachi Sensei, will be released soon.
Gintama: Class 3-Z, Ginpachi Sensei is a parody of 2nd Year B Gumi Kinpachi Sensei, which appeared in Akamaru Jump twice. In this, Ginpachi-sensei is disguised as Gintoki and enters the room carrying a candy—a peropero candy—instead of a cigarette as he approaches the table wearing glasses and a white coat. In the parody, Ginpachi claims that the smoke is coming from the licking the candy at a rapid speed.
Ginpachi Sensei's major characters include Shinpachi, Kagura, Omi, Kondo, Hijikata, among others. It was later novelized by Tomohito Osaki, and seven tankobon volumes were published. The novel was also published in Jump Square from the first issue to the May 7 installment. The limited edition of the anime DVD season 2008 volume also contained a drama CD, which included an original story.
In the anime, it is referred to as Tell me Ginpachi, as Ginpachi-sensei answers questions from viewers concerning the main plot of the anime. Furthermore, the setting in the play emerged in the 4th ED period as pictures, and it also appeared in the 16th ED as a picture of the graduation ceremony.
Fans take to Twitter to share their excitement for the upcoming Gintama spin-off
Given that the manga series was just as popular as the big 3 animes - Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach - throughout its run, it became a cultural sensation. As such, when the new spin-off anime series was announced, fans took to social media platforms to share their excitement about the spin-off.
Fans commented under various accounts who shared the news of the spin-off, expressing their excitement on how they can't wait to watch it, or that "best sensei" is returning.
It will be interesting to watch what the anime spin-off does when it debuts. Until then, fans can read manga or watch Gintama to catch up with the series' events before the spin-off arrives.