The final arc of Satoru Noda's iconic manga series, Golden Kamuy, is being turned into an anime, as per a recent announcement. With the release of the first key visual, it was announced that the 2018-started anime series would soon come to an end.
Golden Kamuy is a surprisingly underappreciated series, despite its mix of social commentary, action, and high-quality art. With the decision to adapt the series' final arc, the project is certain to receive a lot more attention.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Golden Kamuy series.
All about the final arc of Golden Kamuy in anime format
The Hakodate arc, the series conclusion, will be adapted into an anime adaptation of Golden Kamuy. A visual teaser for the next arc was released after the conclusion of the fourth season on Monday, but other than that, we do not know much about the project.
The Hakodate arc focuses on the resolution of the Golden Kamuy curse and the character arc of Sugimoto, the series' protagonist, finding calm after all of his battles. It is widely considered to be one of the greatest story arcs in the entire series, and fans have rated it quite highly.
The first six episodes of the fourth season started airing in October 2022, although the last remaining seven were delayed due to the death of a member of the creative staff on November 1. The anime series resumed airing in April and ran until its conclusion on Monday.
Exploring the appeal of the series
The events in the series' timeline follow the conclusion of the Russo-Japanese War, and many of the characters are based on historical figures from that fight. With the trademark wit and exaggeration of the anime and manga media, author Satoru Noda delves deeply into the historical repercussions of those events, the fallout from the soldier's deeds.
The story is both entertaining and serious in its examination of indigenous people and their subgroups, as well as the survivor's guilt element and many exciting adventures. Noda's ability to create compelling characters and compelling plots is one of his greatest strengths as a creator.
The manga also maintained a strong sense of pace and flowed rather organically, making it one of the best-structured series of recent years without dragging on for too long. Hopefully, it will get a lot more attention in the anime's final arc.