The Great Pretender anime sequel is all set to be released in 2024, as per the announcement by the website for the television series. The official team took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to reveal the new key visual as well as the trailer. Titled Great Pretender Razbliuto, the sequel will feature a new character, as seen in the key visual.
Great Pretender anime is a Netflix original title project that was produced by Wit Studio, a well-known name in the anime industry responsible for the production of titles such as Vinland Saga and Attack on Titan. This anime series is known for its unique art style and compelling storytelling paired with well-animated action sequences.
Great Pretender anime sequel: Trailer and key visual
The Great Pretender anime sequel trailer opened with a shot of Makoto Edamura and Laurent Thierry engaging in a conversation out in the open. It then revealed the return of popular deuteragonists, including Cynthia Moore, Abigail Jones, Isabelle Mueller, and Clark Ibrahim, among others.
Furthermore, the trailer also revealed a new character, Dorothy, who is a talented swindler. It’s safe to say that she will play a vital role in the progression of the plot. In addition, it seems like the Great Pretender anime will be set in both Japan and the USA. Since there is no source material, no new information regarding the plot has been revealed at the moment.
The anime's key visual puts Dorothy in the spotlight. She is seen in the center of the new key visual. Surrounding her are some side characters who made an appearance in the previous installment of the series. The key visual also revealed that the broadcast will be available on DMM-TV.
Additional news about the sequel series
The Great Pretender anime’s official website revealed some interesting information for fans residing in the US. As per the news article published on their websites, the first 20 minutes of the sequel will be screened at Anime NYC 2023, one of the largest anime conventions in the world.
The screening will take place on November 18, 2023. Furthermore, a panel consisting of the main staff will also be present at the convention. Fans can expect additional information with regards to the exact release date and much more.
Additionally, the sequel anime’s broadcast and streaming details have been released. As per the information, DMM-TV will broadcast the series in Japan and other select countries. Fans can also watch the simulcast stream on Crunchyroll, which will offer the English-subtitled version of the episode.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.