Popular manga series Haikyuu!! is getting a special manga chapter in 2024 written and drawn by its author, Haruichi Furudate - four years after the conclusion of the story. This will serve to complement the upcoming canon movie, which will release on February 16.
The much-awaited movie is titled Haikyuu!! The Movie: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump. It will carry the final arc of the story, which covers the match between Karasuno and Nekoma. It has been confirmed that this special chapter will cover the said match as well, albeit from a different perspective. The manga chapter will be available on Shonen Jump on February 5.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Haikyuu!! series and reflects the writer's opinions.
The Haikyuu!! series is getting a new manga chapter on February 5 ahead of the upcoming movie
It has been confirmed that the Haikyuu!! series is getting a new manga chapter, drawn and written by the author, Haruichi Furudate, which will release on Shonen Jump on February 5. It is worth pointing out that this chapter will span 16 pages and will serve to complement the upcoming canon anime film, which is due to premiere on February 16.
The manga originally ran from February 2012 to July 2020, but the movie is bound to cover the final match of the series, which is focused on the clash between Karasuno and Nekoma's teams. It has also been confirmed by Shonen Jump that this manga chapter will be centered around this match, albeit from "a different perspective," which is something that hasn't been clarified completely as of this writing.
The film, which is titled Haikyuu!! The Movie: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump, will see the return of the voice cast of the original anime and is set to be made by Production I.G., which is the same studio that made the adaptation and all the films of the franchise.
The appeal and premise of the series
Shoyo Hinata is a kid who becomes a huge volleyball fan after witnessing a great performance by Karasuno High School but he struggles to form a team since his own school doesn't have a lot of people interested in the game. However, as he gets older, he manages to join the Karasuno High School and gets to meet Tobio Kageyama, whom he faced the year prior and has a bad relationship with.
The narrative not only highlights the importance of teamwork and understanding but also sheds light on the drive and determination needed to overcome the odds. The title has also been praised for the quality of its matches and for contributing to the popularity of volleyball.